Actually Reality Chapter 8

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(You know what they say: It's always calm before the storm ;)) 

Scarlette's POV

There, all done. 

I smile to myself, as I look at my reflection in the bedroom mirror. For once, I actually looked beautiful. I was never a girl who thought too little, or too big of herself, but I think I have every right to brag this time. What makes a person beautiful, is when they believe they truly are. Honestly, everyone's beautiful in there own way. It just takes time to realize it. I don't want to go all shrink on you, and bore you to death so I'll just get on with it. I feel beautiful, you should all feel beautiful, and that's all that matters. 

I decided on wearing my shortcake story dress in red. My top is a white short-sleeved floral, and is super  comfortable. The skirt part barley touched my knees, but it wasn't slutty. It covered all of my private places, and really complimented my curves. I guess you could say I decided to play a bit safe, but come on. It's my first time at "work", and I don't want random men eye raping me.  I braided my hair, messily to the side. It didn't look too messy, or too neat. It looked good. 

I kept my make-up light, only applying a cute red velvet lip stain, mascara, and eye liner. I was forced in to wearing red high heels, because none of my other shoes matched. I had to restrain myself, from grabbing my black warn out sneakers. They were a whole lot more comfortable, but I didn't want to look odd. On normal days, I could care less about what people think of me. But I have to put some consideration in to my outfit, seeing as I am making a first impression. 

An impression that I cannot fuck up. 

I grab my clutch, and scroll through my phone. I missed lunch, because I was messing around with asshole for an hour. I scowl at the memory. Jace left me in the bathroom to clean after his mess, even after I fixed up his injuries. The first aid box was empty, so I wrapped his neck up with toilet paper and tape. It worked super well. I spent 30 minutes of my life on him, and he didn't even thank me. And that tape was impossible to find! He also left me with the condom mess, and not to mention an over flowing sink. I don't even know how that happened, but it did. What pissed me off the most, was how distant he was acting. It started after he told me about his friends bar. He was in a sour mood ever since, and he acted really ignorant and cold towards me. I know for a fact, that I didn't do anything to upset him, and if I did, he should've said something. 

 I don't know what the hell happened, but I do know the playful Jace is long gone. 

If he's going to act like an asshole, then he can suck my non-existent dick. 

"Scarlette! It's time to go!" Ashton shouts from across the hall. 

"Coming!" I yell back, before grabbing my coat, and heading out. I didn't make it past my door, because I tripped on a flat surface, and tumbled on to the floor. I groan in pain. Why did I have to land on my ass on the fucking hard wood flooring? I slowly get up, and limp the rest of my way downstairs. At least the boys look hot. 

Ashton, Daniel, Ian, and Jason are sporting the same outfit. They are all dressed in white dress shirts and black dress pants. Daniel and Ian kept their hair messy, while Jason and Ashton gelled theirs neatly. Hunter decided on wearing a simple blue t-shirt, while Justin decided on wearing a red dress shirt. Micheal is wearing a simple green plaid shirt, while Owen wore a simple dress shirt, with a purple tie. Hunter and Justin kept their blonde hair messy, while Owen tamed his usually messy red curls. I was a bit disappointed that Jace wasn't here, but I quickly shook my screwed up emotions away. 

He's just a dickhead block of cheese, who doesn't know how to treat someone with respect. 

Though I had negative thoughts circulating my brain, it didn't stop me from asking about Jace. Stupid I know. 

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