Actually Reality Chapter 9

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(I cried while writing this chapter. Its sooo sad :( ughh.. also if you listen to good enough by Little Mix while reading this chapter, you'll get more into it. It fits really well with Jace's argument part, and the beginning of the song is really good for what Scarlette says/friend part/) 

Scarlettes POV

Blank. Empty. Hollow. These words describe my emotions perfectly, as of now. I don't feel anything as I stare at the plain white wall across from me. I should be screaming, crying out in fear. But I'm not. Maybe it's because I'm still in shock. Or maybe it's because I'm too weak to process what's actually happening. Maybe it's because of the heavy amount of painkillers I've ingested, in the past 7 days. 

Staying in the same room for one week can do strange things to people. Especially if your adoptive parents died in a hospital room that looks identical to the one I'm lagging in. It should bring back bitter and distressing memories. Not for me. Though I feel vacant, I can't help but feel a strange ache in my chest. I did think of Trisha and Steve for a short period of time, but I didn't feel anything. I should feel some sort of emotional pain, but I just can't. Maybe it's because my brain has yet to grasp the fact that my ex gang leader is back. Maybe when I finally believe he's back, the pain will attack full force, completely destroying me. Maybe when I'm not so in denial. 

He can't be back. He's not back. Jay's not back. 

"Knock knock," a soft voice sounds out. I don't turn, only continuing to stare at nothing. Soft footsteps pace towards me. I hear a chair being pulled out towards the right side of my bed. He's joined me. Probably brought food, in a useless attempt to get me to eat. 

"Can you at least look at me? I just want to make sure your still the same girl I saw 2 weeks ago." 

He sounds so desperate. Like he's hanging on loose ends. I turn my head, and stare in to the misty blue-purple eyes of Jake. 

Jake, Kevin, and Adam flew all the way over to Australia, as soon as they found out about the accident. I'm not sure what Owen told them. Hunter told me he came up with some excuse to feed to the cops, and they took it without second guessing. 

"I'm not hungry," I daintily state, still looking into his hurt eyes. His eyes drop slightly at my words, but still have that determined glint in them. 

"Scarlette, please eat something. There's only so much an IV drip can do for you," Jake says. 

I look down at the un-appetizing hospital food. A bitter looking tuna sandwich, yellowed orange juice, and a rotting banana. You'd think at the place where your supposedly getting better, they would give you healthy food. 

I reach forward and grab the tray from my brothers hands. 

"Thank you Jake. You can go home now. You can catch up on your sleep. I'll be ok."

Jake hasn't left my side since the incident, and I'm starting to worry for him. I'm slowly recovering, and I don't have any major issues he needs to note. He hasn't slept a whole lot, and he needs to catch up with work. I don't want him getting in trouble because of my reckless decisions. 

Kevin and Adam have also visited me. It really does mean a lot that they showed up for me. Kevin and Adam are having lunch in the Hospitals cafeteria with the rest of the boys, apart of Jace. 


Jace has been in critical condition the first 3 days we were admitted here. Apparently, his ribs have been cracked in, and dislocated. His pancreas have been heavily bruised, as well as his right artery. Jace's left shoulder was dislocated, and he broke his right foot. He has a few bruises along his defiant facial features, but overall he's looking a lot better then before. I wouldn't personally know. I haven't left this depleted room in a week. Hunter is the one that told me about Jace's condition when he came to check on me.  

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