The Hungry Games

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The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and young Katniss Everdeen was busy prancing in the fields. Little did she know the evil that would befall her later that day... 

It was the day of the reaping, and she was determined to not be chosen for another year. Then that person from the capitol arrived and made a grand speech concerning sexual harrassment in the arena, or assasination of family members, Katniss was too bored to pay any attention. At the end, that person from the capitol started to anounce the names. " The female tribute for the 74th Hunger Games will be... Primrose Everdeen!!!!!" Heads in the crowd turned to Katniss' little munchkin of a sister. People started to murmur.

"THAT LITLLE PIPSQUEAK IS GONNA RUIN US ALL!!!!!!" Cried an old man, waving his cane in the air. Katniss pushed Primrose in front, thankful she was not chosen. "Is there anyone who would like replace tribute? Anyone? At all?" Announced that person from the capitol. Primrose turned to look at her sister, assuming she, just like any normal, loving sister, would volunteer for her. But all Katniss did was nervously shove Primrose towards the platform. Pissed off at her older sister's cowardice, Primrose stomped on her sister's foot for good measure. That single movement, then changed the whole course of history. (Because if it didn't happen, District 12 would lose again and just, die... What? It was bound to happen!)

"AAIIIEEE!!!!" Screamed Katniss, grabbing her foot, which was trobbing with pain. Heads turned towards the older sister. "You? You'd like to volunteer?"  Katniss began to protest but, the announcer wouldn't take no for an answer. "Step right up!" People in the crowd started to push the new tribute towards the dais. She tried to escape, but when you're in front of an entire district and national television, you definately don't want to fuck up. Youtube exists, you know? Katniss did try to shuffle away (EVERYDAY I'M SHUFFLIN'!), but she couldn't escape the icy inhuman grip, the lady, named Effie(What the heck? What kind of mother would name her daughter Effie?!) had on her wrist. "Now for the male tribute! PEETA MELLARK!!!!!" People started to boo. Shyly, Peeta walked towards the platform. A tear started to form in his grey, dull eyes.

"DAYUM! What a crybaby!" cried out his mom. "You ain't gon' last a second in there sonny boy!" she shouted all sassy-like. At that point, Peeta just burst into tears. He had them waterworks going on with his eyes. Anyway, they then shook hands and were sent to say goodbye to their family (Aw... touching moments :3)

"If I come back alive, Prim, I swear I'll make you pay!" whispered Katniss maliciously. Primrose just stared calmly back at Katniss. "I doubt that sis. You're so cowardly, you're bound to be killed in the arena." Shocked, Katniss went to grab Primrose's hair, but Prim was quick. She ducked and ran towards her mother. "Mommy, Katniss is scaring me." Her mother was, as one would say, an old hag who couldn't really tell reality from fiction. "Oh, don't be like that dear." she said, she then turned to Katniss, "Now you be careful out there with your friends, I even packed you your favorite lunch! Peanut butter sandwich!" 

"Uh, Mum, I'm about to be sent to the Hunger Games!! To be slaughtered!!"

"Tut tut dear, you can't spell slaughter without laughter." She giggled. Without further ado, Katniss was dragged away by two peacekeepers.

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