Chapter 18

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Adeline's POV
Age: 13
Chapter 18
I felt some one shake my shoulder. Once again. I looked up to see who it was.
"Adeline" Caleb whispered careful not to wake Hayley up. "Caleb it like 5am"
"I know lets go see the sunrise"
"Can't it wait"
"It's our last day here" he whined
"Ok where's your mom?" I asked sitting up
"It's just us"
"We can't walk in the darkness"
"It's going to be light out by the time you get ready"
"Fine" I said getting up.
"Ok" I said meeting him at the door. "Ok I left a note just in case anyone wakes up"
"Ok let's go" he said grabbing my hand.
We get to the beach and sit down. We wait a couple minutes for the sun to come up and it eventually did.
"Wow" I said looking at the sky "it's so pretty..." "This means Instagram picture time" I said pulling out my phone. Caleb just laughed and shook his head. "Really?" He said. "What you can never pass a good Instagram photo" he just rolled his eyes. "Take one with me" he said looking at my phone "ok" I said chuckling a little. I snapped the picture. "Aw we're so cute" he said looking at my phone
"Really?.." "One eye looks like it's going into hibernation" I said which made him laugh. "What are you talking about" he said still laughing. "Look one eye is bigger than the other" I said laughing and showing him. "Your eye is cute" he said hesitantly. I just gave him a look. "What?" "It's cute at least you don't have then little creases under your eye" he said touching under his eye with his finger.
"Not really. You're like perfect" I said letting out a small laugh.
"No I'm not." He said shaking his head. "Yeah you are I mean..." "You're the popular person in school. You play sports. You basically have every girl lined up for you" I said.
"Does every girl count you?" He said smirking.
"No" I said trying my best to have a straight face.
"You sure" he said looking at me.
"Yep" I said still trying. "Because I think you like me." He said nudging my shoulder.
I gave him a 'that's the stupidest thing ever' kind of face.
"You already know stupid" I said rolling my eyes.
"I know I just like to hear it from you" he said which make me smile.
"Stop" I said
"What did I do?"
"You know that we aren't allowed to date. I mean we're 13 stop talking about these things it just makes me want to like you more"
"Where did that come from?" He said laughing
"I don't know" "never mind" I said shaking my head.
For the rest of the time we talked. Of course.
"Oh my mom wants us home" he said getting up with his phone.
"Ok well is she mad?"
"I hope not..." I said giving an innocent smile which I gave an okish I guess kind of smile. "Ok well let's go."

Ew ew ew omg ew omg no sSTOPDISMRD I'm sosososo vv sorry I haven't been posting:(((( I feel so bad just school literally 1 week of it is hell fml 🙄 sorry for the sucky chapter I'll try to make on on the weekend but I'm probably busy so idk justidkguysokimsosorryimahorriblewriterokbye cx

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