Stronger Than Ever

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*Kyra's POV*

I sat back and groaned. I started thinking about any plan to get out. I was so deep into focus I didn't realize Ricky was kissing my neck and lightly biting it.

I growled at him showing no fear. My heart began to snap and I couldn't feel anything except pure hate. I made up a plan in my head and trust me it was going to surprise the hell out of them....

*Ricky's POV*

I could smell her blood and her beauty only made me want her more. Her hazel eyes seemed very concentrated making me a bit concerned. I kissed her neck and couldn't help but feel the small pleasure of biting it.

She growled and it surprised me she's becoming brave I thought and my eyes turned ice blue and I felt my fangs emerge. I growled deeply at her and barred my fangs at her.

"You will NOT disrespect me like that Kyra" I snapped

"Or what ricky? You going to kill me or something?" She snarled

I was a bit taken back by her words. Her hazel eyes seemed to turn black and her face showed no fear almost lie she didn't even feel anything.

I turned the other way and decided to leave her alone for a bit but an overwhelming desire for power over her consumed me. I looked at her still, highly focused posture and gaze.

I grabbed her jaw and kissed her she kissed back ravenously and bit my bottom lip. Her hazel eyes showed mischief and desire but I fell for the desire part. I kissed her hungrily and she kissed back with the exact same intensity.

We broke apart and I saw nothing but pure devil in her eyes. She smiled and leaned back licking her lips and fixing her gaze on the window and watched the forest. But I wasn't finished with this at all.

*Kyra's POV*

I leaned back satisfied with my plan so far. Ricky looked at me like he wanted to bang me right then and now but the thought of it made me sick. Do they even care that I killed Chris and ghost? I thought silently.

Now phase 2 of my plan, I need to get one of the guys to bite me. My mark injects a venom that other vampires beside the mated vampire can taste and that's why ghost spit it out so quickly. I stood up and walked to the counter slowly, all the guys watched me hungrily as I fearlessly walked to the kitchen counter and grabbed a knife and cut a small cut in my mark.

All of their eyes flashed blue at the same time and I saw their fangs.

"Come and get me Ricky" I giggled and dashed into a room.

As soon as I came into the took Ricky stood in front of me and the door was tightly shut. He hissed and tore off my shirt in one swipe. He threw me down on the bed and jumped on top of me. He bit into my neck and I screamed, the pain was so intense and it seemed to make every fiber in my body explode with pain.

He pulled his fangs out of me and I gasped in relief. Blood stained his mouth and his blue eyes seemed to turn black as night. He smiled and kissed me roughly, I could taste the metal-like taste of my blood.

He should've dropped dead or spat out my blood I thought panicked. He traveled his hands up my bitten body and kissed my blood stained lips.

"We've got a situa-..." Vic said swinging the door open. He froze mid sentence and Ricky growled.

I quickly slid our from underneath Ricky but as I reached the end of the bed Ricky snaked his arm around my waist.

"Don't move" he hissed

I gulped and began to think of plan B.

"We have a problem, oliver has gone to the main society of vampires to alert them about Kyra" Vic said

Ricky shrugged "so?"

"That means that if she isn't fully claimed by the third blood moon shell be taken by the society and killed" Vic said

Ricky looked at me and smiled "that'll be no problem"

Hey sorry I haven't updated recently. BTW I'm working on a book about the vampires of this story and also I'm going to warped tour 2016!! If your going too have fun!!!

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