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Later that night...

I'm in bed thinking about doing what he said .. I remember some of the thoughts running through my head " no one cares" "just die" " you don't even have real friends" "end it" "Kerry" "Kerry" "Kerry" "Kerry" "KERRY". Then I fell asleep crying...

Next day at school

I don't eat breakfast but "breakfast" is a place to talk to your friends in the morning, so me and Anaviyah go in and sit down then Sharell and a couple other people I don't really remember sit down near us.Then Faith walks past and hits me in the back and I turn around and tried to hit her back but, Anaviyah was holding me back then she let go and I went sprinting down the hall way.And when I found her I just pushed her and we got in an argument and I couldn't help but laugh when she talks because she reminded me of nails on a chalkboard because she was very annoying and loud. Then I went to class like nothing happened.

In class

I got a pencil and stabbed myself and wrote idiot on my arm, my teacher. Saw it and made me go see the consoler, but I didn't even budge to talk.(was this a early sign of suicidal thoughts or depression)??

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