Chapter 1

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Jessica Reed

Chapter 1

A loud knock woke me from my wonderful sleep. James, the butler and cook, called to me in his beautiful french accent,  "Bonjour petite amie! Jessica, it is time to wake!"

 Sighing, I sat up. "Bien James, I'll be right down," I croaked and walked into my bathroom. 

My brother and sister were already running up and down the halls getting ready, laughing and skipping, surely excited to return to school. I remember when school used to be fun. I know junior year is a tough one, my mom and dad made sure of that. All summer long all I heard was, “You need to do well this year!” or “If you don’t get good grades you won’t get into college.” That’s why I decided to focus on school this year, yeah that's my excuse for not having a boyfriend for the seventeenth year in a row.

I took a shower, a long one with lots of hot water, the best kind. Drying my smooth skin with a fluffy towel, I stare into my own impeccably blue-gold eyes, the eyes I got from my father. I shook my long, wavy blonde hair out and proceeded to blow dry it and twist it into golden waves, but not before brushing and flossing my pearly whites. Stepping out of the bathroom, I wore nothing but a towel. 

“Hmmm…what to wear what to wear…” I wondered aloud. Typically, I just let my mom pick out my clothes, seeing as she does have a degree in design. “MOM!!!” I yelled.

“What is it Jessica?” she asked me, a small smile playing on her lips as she took in my childish look and behavior, “Please don’t yell across the house.”

“I don’t know what to wear,” I whined. This is what happens when it get up too early!

“Darling, I told you. You need to start picking out your own clothes, I won’t always be here for you,” she said, "just because you act like a child doesn't mean you are one."


“Please, Mom. Just for today!” I practically begged, today was the first day of school! I needed to look good.

She sighed, “Fine, just today. Jeez what would you do without me?” She picked out my favorite jeans and a green tank top, paired it with some heels, a big necklace, and feather earings. “Here you go my baby girl,” she smiled, “that wasn’t so hard." 

“Thanks mamacita,” I said as I kissed her cheek. Dropping the towel I slipped into the clothes and headed downstairs for breakfast.

“Hey Mikey!” I greeted my little brother over enthusiastically, so what if he was only a year younger than I am and a little bit taller too? (That is when I’m not wearing my favorite Gucci Pumps) I'm the annoying big sister and he's my embarresing kid brother, that's how it'll always be.

“Hey Jesse!” he returned, full of fake excitement. Chuckling to himself he turned back to his strawberry crepe, that James had prepared, and I pulled up a seat at the bar beside him.

“James I’ll have some oatmeal please,” I told him. He nodded and turned back to the stove to make some. 

“Are you excited for school today?” asked James. I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or my brother, “Jess, I heard you have some pretty tough classes this year.”

“Yeah I do, I’m taking AP Physics and Calculus. Plus French 4,” I replied. French shouldn’t be too hard though; I’ve spoken the language since I could talk. It was practically in my blood.

“Well my cla…” Michael started but the doorbell rang in the middle of his sentence. I stood to get it, laughing loudly. I know it sounds terrible, but everybody in the family knows I'm top priority, and Michael knows it. I just find it humorous sometimes...

Mikey doesn't enjoy being compared to me, and I understand it. He even chose to go to a different high school then me, just so the teachers didn't already have any expectations from him because of his last name. He likes his school and his life though, so everythings cool between us.

I opened the door. “Jessica Reed, is that you?” said the boy.

“LANCE!” I yelled as a jumped on him, “I’ve missed you so much.” My arms wrapped themselves around the handsome boy as I smiled huge and stupid.

“I’ve missed you too, Jess.” he put me down and smiled back at me. My lord, he has such a nice smile. And face. And body.  “I haven’t seen you all summer.”

Lance had really grown up. He chopped off his hair; I always knew the spiked look worked better for him. I could feel the six-pack under his shirt, damn. His hazel eyes stared at me as he continued flashing his pearly whites. He was my loyal guy best friend and my hot next-door neighbor.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“My mom told me to get you, are you ready?” he replied. Lance was funny, smart, athletic, and very handsome. The most popular guy in school, he was also down to earth, and I hadn't seen him for three long months! 


“Lance! Go next-door and get Jess, we are driving her to school today!” my mom yelled to me from upstairs. 

“Ok!” I yelled back, walking past my little brother, Nick; a new freshman and soon to be football quarterback star. Just like his brother.

“I want to come too!” he whined, but I shook my head and left the house alone. 

I couldn’t wait to see Jessica again. She was so much fun to be around. She was smart, funny, and kind. Half the guys in our grade have a crush on her, but there's yet to be a guy not intimidated by her good looks and natural charm. I count myself amoungst the cowardly.

As I rang her doorbell I ran my fingers through my hair. I hope I look okay.

When she opened the door I realized I forgot to mention something, she’s hot! She honestly looked like an angel that had fallen to Earth. Maybe hotter.

“Jessica Reed, is that you?” I asked, eyebrows raised. She had done some serious growing up over the summer. 

“LANCE!” she blasted my ears as she jumped on me. Wow she has certainly...developed...a lot since I last saw her. “I missed you so much!”

“I’ve missed you too, Jess,” I said as she scanned my body, “I haven’t seen you all summer.” I smiled.

“What are you doing here?” she asked me, smiling and flashing her gorgeous teeth. 

I don't know what it is about her. She's not like any other girl at school. Jessica is the rainbow after the rain, the flower in a field of weeds, she's a ticket for Ozzy's crazy train.

“My mom told me to come get you, are you ready?” I asked her.

“Yeah I’m almost ready,” she said as she grabbed my large hand with her soft one and pulled me inside, “Let me go get my bag, come in!”

I walked into her magnificent home, the beautiful double marble staircase lined with twisted metal handrails was not even the most impressive aspect. The house I have known since my toddler years includes a home theatre, indoor (and two outdoor) pools, walk-in closets and personal bathrooms for each bedroom, a private skating rink, bowling alley, and parking for 20 cars. We lived in the best part of town, after all. We go to the same private high school, Canyon Heights, one of the most prestigious and beautiful schools in the country. 

She ran past James, “Your breakfast, as always, is cordon bleu, monsieur,” she called to him.

“Merci madame,” he responded. Geez, I wish I spoke French, its really pretty.

She grabbed her bag and came back to me, “Let’s go,” she said, “We’re late.”


Okay, Jessica is obsessed with her adorable shoes so I decided to post pictures of what they look like on the side!!

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