Kanto Major

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To satisfy my curiosity I did some research on Kanto Major. I had no idea it was literally on another continent. This is going to be one heck of a long trip. Hopefully Virizion can hold down the fort while we're gone. We had a vote and decided that she would be best suited to leading while we were out.
An interesting fact, it appears that the very first Pokemon may have come from Kanto Major. So that's pretty cool. Maybe we'll see some significant landmarks or something.
"Alex! The Magnagate is ready!" Thunder calls to me from outside. I was just packing up the last of the supplies and adding a little money so we could get food and other supplies if we run into trouble. Hopefully not though. This is a moment that Thunder will remember forever. And I don't want it tarnished by something going wrong.
"I'll be right out!" I yell back as I pick up the luggage case and make my way to Paradise Center, where the team gathers to give us a send off. "Let's get this show on the road."
"Care to do the honors, Thunder?" Espeon asks. To which the reply is an enthusiastic "yes." Thunder presses down on the center of the Entercards and steps back. The red rings expand outward as the Magnagate formes in front of us in its familiar display. Before long the gate is ready for use.
"You first, buddy." I tell Thunder. He happily bounds onto the Magnagate, with myself not far behind.
"I'm so excited!" He squees, fidgeting and unable to stay still. He certainly looks like it.
"So am I." The first of the three rings vanishes. The gate has begun to close.
"Goodbye you two. Have a wonderful time." Virizion tells us.
"I'll be sure to have a 'surprise' waiting for you when you get back." Emolga says with a mischievous grin. Now I'm nervous to come back and see what he'll have cooked up for me.
The second ring vanishes. One more left. Thunder looks ready to burst from excitement. I don't blame him in the slightest. This is a huge day for him. And I wish for nothing but the best.
"We'll do our best to stay in touch." I say to them. "See you guys!" And after a few moments the final ring vanishes, sending us on our way across the ocean, on course to Kanto Major.


The trek through the artificial mystery dungeon was far from treacherous. It was nothing we hadn't encountered many, many times before. We know our way around most mystery dungeons and can identify certain patterns to make our journeys easier. Before long, we arrive in Kanto Major in a very small little town.
"We're here. Now we just need to figure out which town this is." I say.
"This is Palette Town." Thunder answers, confident in his response.
"How do you know?" His answer is simply pointing to a sign behind me that reads "Welcome to Palette Town." And I immediately feel like a moron.
"Don't worry too much about it Alex. These things happen." Reaching into the bag, he pulls out the letter, reading the address written at the bottom. "Well we're in the right place. Now we just need to find the house."
"Shouldn't be too difficult. It's a small place. What's the address?"
"Uh... 7231 Static Road."
"Well, let's start asking for directions."


"This is it, this is the place." I say as we approach one of the buildings. Not a huge one, but it's got some size to it. Big enough to house a family of three comfortably. "How about you go first? It's your father after all."
"Of course!" He quickly runs to the front door and gives it several solid knocks.
"Yes? Who is it?" A voice from inside calls out.
"It's me! Pikachu Dova!"
"Dova?! You're here!" I hear footsteps approach the door and it swings open to reveal an aged Raichu. "You're earlier than I expected. But I can't complain."
"It's so good to see you again, my son." With those words, the embrace each other tightly. I can't help but smile. He's so happy. And the happiness is infectious. After a minute or so, they let go of each other. "So, Dova. This is your friend?"
"Yes. He calls himself Alex Russet. He's actually a human from another universe."
"What? Really? How did this come to pass?"
"It's a long story." I respond.
"Well, I'm sure you two must be hungry. I've got some food that I was making for your return. How about all three of us have a sit down and talk about what we've been up to for all these years."
"Sure." I answer. "I like the sound of that."
"Then follow me to the kitchen area. I'll get everything set up."


"So you two have been through a lot together."
"We certainly have." I reply, finishing off the bowl of soup he gave me. "Needless to say, Thunder... oh. Sorry. Dova and I have grown quite close. Nothing like life or death fights to strengthen the bonds between you and your allies."
"So if he was in harms way, you'd step in and take the hits?"
"In a heartbeat. And I know he'd do the same for me." Thunder smiles and nods as he lowers his now empty bowl.
"Absolutely. I would gladly do it for him."
"I'd rather not imagine you getting hurt, Dova. But I'm glad you're willing to go to such lengths for your friend." I smile. Sadu is so kind. Much like his son. Must run in the family. My eyes drift to the window and the orange sky created from the sunset. Wait, sunset? It's that late already? Wow. Time really flies.
"I think it's time we get some sleep." I yawn. "Mind showing us to the guest room?"
"Of course. Follow me."


Ugh... It's one of those nights... The ones where sleep decides to leave me behind to spite me. No matter how much I try, my mind refuses to shut down. I really hate this...
My mind switches gears when I hear a strange whoosh or poof like sound from outside the door. My heart rate jumps. That definitely wasn't the house settling or other natural sound. Some one is here and awake. And I get the feeling that it's not Sadu.
Part of me wants to go and investigate, but if whoever it is has one of my many type advantages and gets the jump on me, I won't last long. So I stay in bed, close my eyes, and relax my breathing into the rhythm one would expect from a sleeping person. Hopefully it's enough to keep myself from being noticed.
I hear footsteps enter the room. Footsteps that are far too heavy for a Raichu. The door to our room creeps open. I dare to open my eyes slightly and see a large, sinister looking Pokemon scanning over the room. It isn't long before I recognize what it is. A Zoroark. The Illusion Fox Pokemon. So named for their ability to mask themselves, others, and their environments with illusions. Masters of deception and disguise.
Once the Zoroark was confident that they weren't seen, he walks over to Thunder's bed. And with a sinister sounding chuckle, he raises his clawed hand, ready to swipe it at the Pikachu. It's clear what he's going to do. He is going to kill Thunder!

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