Casualties of War

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A rush of joy swells in my heart as the first of the team exits the Magnagate, Thunder. He's alive and well. He must have somehow gotten to Paradise and informed the others of what was happening. Good thing too. No way Asva and I could have done this ourselves with all the carnage going on.
Judging by the fact that he's rushing towards me, it's safe to say he saw me. "Alex!" He cries out. "Good to see you!"
"Likewise, my friend." I respond. "Seems like the whole thing with Sadu didn't work as planned."
"Sadly no. He locked me away so I couldn't interfere. What about you?"
"Got Asva to listen. But I'm facing serious opposition from a commander named Kavi. We need him out of the way to be able to end this."
"Good thing I brought the other with me." Turning back to the gate I see Keldeo, Umbreon, and Emolga emerge, heading over in our direction as the gate closes. "So, what's the plan?"
"We need to get Sadu out of harm's way. Thunder, Umbreon, You two work on that. Keldeo, Emolga, see if you can create a sort of disruption to put the battle to a stop. Asva, you're familiar with Kavi. See if there is any way to speak some sense into him.
"What about you, Alex?" Asks Asva.
"I'm unfortunately in no condition to help. But I'll eat a few oran berries and I'll join you as soon as I'm able."
"Alright. let's go." With that, we disperse. Thunder hands me a few oran berries to heal up on, which I try to do as quickly as possible. Strange feeling, snacking on a berry in the midst of a brutal fight. Partaking in a task normally done in a safe, controlled environment. But I don't dwell on it. No time. I need to get back up on my feet as soon as possible.

Thunder, Asva and Umbreon rush toward Sadu and Kavi, both locked in battle, yearning for the death of the other. If they don't do something soon, one of them will be killed. They plan to not let that happen.
"Dad! Stop!" he heals, quickly catching the Raichu's attention. 
"Dova!?" He responds, distressed. Must be worried about his safety. Kavi, thinking he has an opportunity, prepares to kill his opponent. But Asva was ready to prevent that. A beam of shadowy rings, Dark Pulse, slams into the Zoroark, easily halting his attack.
"That's enough, Kavi! We're putting an end to this!"
"You naive fool." He growls. "Are you so gullible that you'd align with your own enemy?!"
"From what I've heard, you may, in fact be the enemy."
"What did they tell you? That I killed your son?"
"So you do know about that!" A look of fiery fury engulfs Asva. "I should never have trusted you!"
"And you believed them?! Asva, I've been trying to help you set things right!"
"No, you've been indulging in the hate you have of their kind all this time! And I will not stand for it!" He fires of night daze and throws Kavi backwards. The disoriented Kavi tries to retaliate, but the hit has left him dizzy and disoriented. His hits don't connect. Meanwhile Asva is beating him within an inch of his life. While Thunder would love to join him, he has other matters to attend to.
"What... what is happening?" Sadu mutters, confused by the sight before him. "Why is Asva fighting for me?"
"Because he's tired of the killing. He want's the same thing I do, a peaceful resolution."
"It's far too late for him to change his mind. I don't care what he wants! He will pay!" Still as staunch as ever, it seems.
"Dad! look around you! Look at the carnage and loss this quest for vengeance has produced!" Sadu glances around, Watching as Zoroark, Zorua, Raichu, Pikachu, and even a few Pichu brutally and mercilessly tear each other apart. The dead bodies drifting through the river. The blood drenched water flowing through the river. His eyes rest on a particular scene, a young Zorua, tears falling from his face as he mourns the death of a Zoroark. His mother.
"Is this what you want your legacy to be? The Raichu that murdered hundreds in a bid for revenge? Is that what you wanted? Is that what mom would have wanted?" Those last words were the ones to finally reach his heart. He looks upon the destruction with a new perspective.
Fury gives way to horror and sorrow. "What... have I done?" He chokes out as tears drip from his face. "I've become a monster... I'm so sorry Kosa... You deserved better than the likes of me..."
"Dad..." Thunder says, softly, resting his hand on his father's shoulder. "It's not too late. We can still stop this. We can't bring the dead back, but we can keep the others alive. But we have to hurry."
"Well... I'll follow your lead."

   The claws of the two Zoroark clash repeatedly as each tries to get an upper hand on the other, without success. The fight has dragged on for quite some time.
   "I don't know why I put you in charge." Kavi says. "You're weak. Stupid. Without the will to do what's needed."
   "Better than being a malicious monster with no empathy for others!" Asva retorts. Kavi responds with a Night Slash that he deftly evades. "After all, you killed my son just to start this whole bloodbath!"
   "Dwelling on the past gets us nowhere. You need to see that we'd be better off without the rodents!"
   "Shut up!" Asva tackles his rival, slamming him into the mountainside and pummeling him with punches. Kavi retaliates, doing a sweeping kick to knock Asva down. He prepares to strike again, when a pair of green vines latch onto his arms.
   "What in the name of-"
   "Hey, Kavi. You miss me?" Asva turns to the source of the voice. It was Alex.

   "Let me go you worthless snake!" He roared at me.
   "Sure." I say as I reel in my vines, pulling him to the ground. "Now, shall we finish this, Asva?"
   "Yes. Let's." As Kavi was getting up, Asva struck with Night Daze once again, sending him flying back into the mountainside. I follow up with an Energy Ball to the gut followed by a Leaf Tornado. Angered, Kavi charges at me, but I quickly sidestep the attack. I strike again with Razor Leaf and Asva hits with Shadow Ball, delivering the knockout blow.
   "Sorry, Kavi." Asva says. "But this has to be done. The war must end." His only response is an angry growl. Asva turns to me. "Thanks for the help."
   "No problem. Now we have another problem. We need to disrupt this fight somehow. it seems that Emolga and Keldeo are struggling."
   "Alex!" I hear Thunder's voice call as rushes towards my side. "Did you do it?"
   "We did. Kavi is down. Any ideas on how to stop the rest of them?"
   "Not a clue. But we have to think of something we can't just let this keep going... Maybe we could-"
   "Asva! behind you!" Sadu yells. It tuns out that Kavi was not quite down yet. And he's about to cleave through Asva! 
   Without hesitation, Sadu charges between them, and right into the path of Kavi's claw.
   "Dad! No!" Thunder screams. But There's nothing that can be done. Kavi's claws, while intended for Asva, ended up tearing through Sadu instead. The Raichu's motionless body tumbles across the grass, eventual coming to a complete stop. "NO!" Thunder screams again in horror. Asva uses Night Slash on Kavi, making doubly sure he was unconscious this time. Meanwhile the rest of us gather around Sadu.
   This act appears to have taken the attention of the fighting pokemon, who saw the heroism displayed by Sadu. They question why he would do such a thing, but many agree with his actions, deciding to bury the hatchet and end the fighting. 
   "No... please father... don't do this to me..." Thunder's sobbing voice rockets me back to reality. He is, understandably upset, Crouched over Sadu's motionless form. "Please! You can walk it off! Don't leave me! Father! You're still alive! You have to be!" With every word his sobs grow louder and his emotions become more potent. I can't help but cry myself. After all, watching my friend in such pain... it's not easy. I walk up to my heartbroken friend, resting my hand on his shoulder.
   "I'm so sorry, Thunder..." is all I can bring myself to say, looking over the deep and massive gash in his chest. Thunder turns to cry into my shoulder. And I will admit, I cried a bit into his as well.

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