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"Thunder! Look out!" I scream as loud as my lungs would allow. This, of course, immediately draws the attention of the Zoroark assailant. But it also startles Thunder awake. He spots the claw hovering menacingly above him and easily sees the danger. Using his quick attack move, he zips out of the way in a flash of yellow, electric light in a mater of milliseconds. All of this happened in less than a second, though it definitely felt longer than that.
I leap out of my bed and take a combat stance between him and my dazed friend. "And I thought when you said you'd put your life on the line for your friend that you weren't serious. That it was an exaggerated claim." He growls in a gruff voice. "But it seems you truly meant it." Wait... How did he hear that? The only ones there were me, Thunder and...
"Sadu?!" I call out in surprise. "You impersonated him!"
"Correct. That knowledge won't do you any good when you're dead, though." He lunges forward, ready to rip me apart. I evade the initial strikes and retaliate with a vine whip. To little effect. The Zoroark's next strike, Shadow Claw, connects, sending me tumbling backwards into Thunder.
"Thunder, if you're up for it, I need some help."
"I'll do what I can." Thunder has emerged from his dazed state to open up with some electric bolts. The strikes forces the attacker back slightly, but not enough to remove the threat. The Zoroark launches a shadow ball our way, which we barely dodge.
"Perhaps you should just give up." Our attacker taunts. "Maybe then I'll make it quick and painless."
"Or maybe you let us go. Ever consider that?" I respond.
"My commanding officer would have my head if I did that." Commanding officer? Is he military? Never mind that. Focus on what's happening now. Our opponent is a tough one... None of our attacks have slowed him down. I believe that now is the time for a strategic retreat. I look to Thunder, who appears to be thinking much the same thing. With a nod we put our plan into action. Using my vines, I topple a dresser onto the Zoroark to distract him. Then we run. We leave the house into the dark of night and take refuge in the nearby forest for cover. Here's hoping we're hidden well enough.
"That was way too close... I thought we were dead for sure." Thunder breathes in relief.
"Well the incident with that one psychopathic Sceptile was a bit more intense." I reply jokingly.
"I consider a shapshifting assassin to be more dangerous than a Sceptile with sanity issues." Our joking is quickly silenced as we spot the Zoroark looking for us, getting dangerously close to the forest in which we currently reside.
"You can't hide forever..." He taunts. "I know you're here. And I will find you. It's only a matter of time..." I fight the urge to hyperventilate, knowing that it would be of absolutely no use to us and would quickly reveal our location. The experience is nerve wracking.
Slowly he begins to narrow down the search area, growing ever closer to our hiding spot. If we don't do something, we're going to get found out.
"Thunder, we need to head deeper into the forest." I silently whisper to my friend, who nods in agreement. Getting down on all fours, we slowly back away from the assassin, hoping that we don't get seen. And it appears that it is working. We are getting a fair amount of distance between- snap! Oh no... I look down and see that I have inadvertently stepped on a dry twig, which immediately snapped under my weight. The sound alerts the Zoroark. Who immediately turns in our direction. Judging by his grin, we've been spotted.
"Run for it!" I yell and we bolt. The Zoroark takes off after us, lobbing shadow balls in an effort to slow us down. In an effort to shake him, we weave through the trees and through tight spaces, hoping that his larger body won't be able to get through like we can. But the chase inevitably continues with no end in sight.
Soon, one of the shadow balls hits the base of a tall tree, causing to to topple. Thunder was unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time, finding his tail pinned under the trunk.
"Alex! Help!" He cries out in fear as the black and red figure approaches. Without hesitation I turn back around, not willing to leave him behind. I fire off a volley of energy balls at the Zoroark, which don't seem to hurt him in the slightest. My only reward for my actions being a shadow claw uppercut that slams me into a nearby tree. I am drained of energy. The extensive chase as well as the wounds inflicted have sapped me. I am helpless as he draws ever closer to Thunder...
"And here was me thinking that the two leading members of New Hope would be a nightmare to eliminate. Yet here we are... Now, how about we finish the job? Goodbye, 'Dova.'"
"No!" I scream. "Don't kill him! Please!" My cries fall on deaf ears, however, as he prepares to cleave my best friend into pieces. He swings his claw, but instead of the sickening sound of ripping through flesh, I hear the sound of an electric discharge. I see the Zoroark stager to the side as if hit by something. But it couldn't have been Thunder... else he would be staggered backwards as opposed to sideways. Another bolt of electricity slams into his chest. I turn to look at the source of the attack. A Raichu. I fear that it's another trick from the Zoroark, wanting to taunt us with the illusion of safety. Put perhaps it is very much real...
The bolts keep coming, consistently hitting their mark. "I've had just about enough of you Zoroark scum!" He yells, firing off electric shots like a machine gun. Before long the Zoroark is overwhelmed and collapses. Our rescuer approaches his downed foe, staring him dead in the eyes before stabbing him through the heart with the pointed tip of his tail. The Zoroark gasps in pain, trying to lash out at the Raichu, but he couldn't overcome the fatal blow, his body drains of life, and dies.
The Raichu then runs over to Thunder, helping to get the tree off of him. "Dova?" He asks. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah... Who are you?"
"Raichu Jasi. I'm a friend of your father."

Pokèmar Episode III: Thunder's PastWhere stories live. Discover now