Last Chance

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   It has been four days since he was locked away in this tent. Four days without the ability to contact Alex. No way to warn him about what was coming. Every waking moment was spent worrying. Is he alive? Did he miraculously find a way to stop the carnage? Or is his body lying broken, discarded and forgotten on the shore of Cerulean Lake? No... no he must be alive. Being poisoned didn't stop him. Being impaled and nearly bleeding out didn't stop him. Kyurem didn't stop him. Heck, not even a world-ending deity of pure negativity stopped him. So this should be a walk in the park for him by comparison... right?
   "I'm sorry, miss. I can't let you in. General's orders." One of the guards says to an unknown figure outside. Who could it be?
   "Aw, come on..." A feminine voice replies. "He must be lonely... I'm sure he could use some company, wouldn't you agree?"
   "I'm sure he'd like that. But my orders stand. I cannot let anyone except for Sadu or Jasi into this te-" the sudden sound of electric shocks interrupt his statement, followed shortly by a heavy thump.
   "Dova. Come with us. Hurry." a young male voice beacons. What on Pokémar is this?
   "What?!" Thunder exclaims in confusion. "Who are you? What are you doing?
   The tent flap opens, revealing two Pikachu. One male, the other female. "Quiet!" The female hushes. "You'll alert the rest of the guards. I'm Pikachu Yuni. this is my brother Pikachu Urax. We're here to get you out"
   "Get me out? Why?"
   "People here have heard what you said. About this fight not being worth it." Urax intrudes. "And they're beginning to agree. So we decided to help get you out. See if you had any ideas on how to fix this." Wait... They're agreeing with him? They want to pursue peace? This is such a stroke of luck!
   "I... Thank you. But it's too late. My father's already left for the Zoroark base and has a two day head start on us. they probably already made it there. By the time we reach them the fight will be long over."
   "Well, is there some way to cover ground quickly?" Yuni asks. Wait... actually...
   "There might be a way... When Alex and I escaped that assassin and left our entercards behind we were told you would get them back."
   "You mean that strange purple square with the sun and moon tiles? Yeah. It's sitting in the storehouse."
   "Perfect... those things will take me practically anywhere in short order. If I can get those... I could head back to Pokemon Paradise, Bring more of New Hope over, and help quell the fighting."
   "Sounds like a plan." Urax agrees.
   "Woah, hold up." Yuni interrupts. "There's one big problem. The storeroom is heavily guarded. The guards will not be keen on letting us it.
    "Is there a back entrance that we can sneak in?" Thunder suggests.
    "Not one that isn't guarded."
   "Then we need a distraction."


   Thunder crouches in the shadow of a nearby building, watching the back entrance to the storeroom. Two Raichu guards stand vigilant watch over the area. If those two can cook up a good enough distraction, he should have no problem getting inside. Now he just has to wait...
   "What have you done to my brother?!" Screams Yuni. "You filthy Zorua! Where have you taken him!?"
   "Yuni, it's me! I'm not a Zorua! I'm your brother, Urax!" He replies nervously. Looks like this is the distraction they came up with.
   "I swear to Arceus, blackfur, if you hurt my brother in any way, I will stuff and mount your worthless body on display for the entire camp to see!"
   "Sis... you're scaring me..."
   "Don't you dare call me that! Now... if you want to live to see another day, you will tell me where he is. and he'd better be alive!" The guards have heard enough. They break away from their post to address the disturbance.
   "Now's my chance..." Thunder says under his breath. He's only going to get one shot at this... He needs to make it count. He considers using Quick Attack to zip into the entryway, but the light and sound would give him away immediately. Instead he opts to wait until they're out of sight, then dash in, being careful to hide any evidence of his presence. Because the distraction may not last for very long.
   The storeroom was filled with a wide variety of supplies. Dried berries, medical equipment, tools, everything one would need to survive out here for years on end. But there's only one thing Thunder is interested in right now, the entercards.
   Thunder searches box after box, carefully scouring over every item, looking for them. Without success. "Come on... they've got to be here somewhere..."
   "Dova has escaped! Everyone fan out! we have to find him!" A voice yells from outside. They must've seen his tent empty and the guards missing. Crap...
   The front tent flap of the storeroom opens as one of the Raichu steps inside. "I'll check in here!" she calls back to the others. She closes up the tent flap and begins doing a systematic search of the area. this isn't good... But he can't leave. Not without the entercards. He must find them.
   Then something catches his eye. Purple. like the magnagate generator. Is that it? Is that what he's looking for? He gets closer. And to his relief, it is. the magnagate generator and entercards. The tools he needs to rescue Alex and put an end to the war. Without hesitation, he reaches out and grabs them.
   "There you are!" The guard yells. She must have seen him move to grab them! "Block the exits! Don't let him escape!" This is bad... "Come on, Dova. Don't make this harder than it needs to be."
   "I can't just stay here. my friend is in danger. A lot of people are going to die. I have to stop it."
   "Dova, please. This isn't necessary. Just come with me, okay?" There's got to be a way out of this...
   Sounds of a struggle can be heard outside. could that be Yuni and Urax? "Dova! This way!" Yuni's voice calls. The Raichu is caught off guard by the sight of another helping him. Using this moment to his advantage, Thunder dashes out, trailed by his two allies. He can hear the guards scrambling to give chase.
   "Thanks." he replies. "You saved my tail back there."
   "We're not out of this yet." Urax returns. "How quickly can you get out of here using these."
   "It'll take a minute."
   "We'll give you that minute." Yuni says as she tuns to face their pursuers. "You want some of this?! Come and get it!" Urax does the same, preparing to fight the guards. That should buy Thunder some time.
   Wasting no time, Thunder gets to work. He has worked on memorizing the entercard orientations needed to return home in case of situations like this. And thank Arceus he did. Because he really needed it. With the cards in place, he activates the magnagate. The darkening of the light in the area and the bright display of the gate itself quickly draw the attention of the distracted guards. Realizing what's happening, they ignore the brother and sister and head straight for Thunder.
   But it's too little too late. by the time they reach him the gate is about to close. "Sorry guys. But I need to do this. The killing has to stop." And with those words, the gate closes. Thunder can only hope he's not too late...

Pokèmar Episode III: Thunder's PastWhere stories live. Discover now