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"So you're Kavi." I say to him, trying to keep my cool. But if he's half as dangerous as Poki is acting like he is, I'm in serious danger.
"I see our spy has informed you about me."
"Well, only that you're a bit... ruthless."
"That I am. I've learned from experience that fear can get results." I fight the urge to debate his claim. I do not need this guy on worse terms with me than he already is. "I've heard about you, human. Heck, the entire eastern hemisphere has heard about you. News hasn't quite made landfall in the west. You have a reputation, Alex Russet. You and your filthy rodent friend." I once again hold back my retort for the rodent comment.
"We have. And I'm hoping that I can act as a neutral party to negot-"
"You're allied with one of them. You're far from neutral. And there will be no peace talks. Not when I have a say in it."
"Kavi. Enough." Asva interrupts. "Let's at least hear him out before dismissing him."
"You can't be serious Asva... He's with them!"
"And he's made no attempt to resist, harm, or otherwise damage our faction. And like you said, Alex has a reputation. Considering his past exploits, I'm sure he's honest in his words."
"Asva... You are making a profoundly idiotic mistake here. You present yourself to them, you're asking to die in a shallow grave."
"You're concerns are noted, Kavi. Now please. Leave us. Both of you." He looks to Poki. "There is a lot we need to discuss." With a snarl Kavi begrudgingly turns to exit the door. I know for certain that this is not the last I've seen of him. Poki is much more willing, though moving quite fast to get as much distance as possible between him and Kavi.
"You'll understand if I rest in a more... hidden... area than the barracks, right? I'd prefer that I'm not killed in my sleep."
"I apologize. Kavi is quite strong in his beliefs that the Raichu are irredeemable."
"I've noticed. So, we just need to wait for word from Thunder, my friend over on their end. Once we have an idea on the status of both sides, we can decide how to proceed. In the meantime, I'll probably be around Cerulean City doing my daily business. And watching my back. Kavi will probably try and kill me the first chance he gets."
"He would probably try. Though I think he underestimates you."
"Better to assume he knows what I'm capable of. There's no room for mistakes there."
"I suppose you're right." The room drops into silence for a moment. "I wonder... were my actions... justified?"
"What do you mean?"
"Back when my son died... I was so full of rage... I only wanted him to suffer like I had. But... what I did... was it justified?"
"Depends on who you ask. But I think the honorable thing would have been to turn the other cheek. Not stoop to his level, if the kill was even intentional in the first place. Be the better Pokemon and take the high ground."
"But... I could never forgive him for it... The rage would stay with me forever."
"So you'd have to learn to let go. The past is the past and cannot be altered. You can only look to the future."
"...you're right. Thank you Alex."
"My pleasure."

This Snivy... He is a serious threat to my plans... He wants to bring everything I've worked towards to a grinding halt. And he's somehow convinced Asva that "peace" is the right solution... No. I've worked too hard for too long to let him stop me. I must act. And I'll be sure to show his Pikachu friend his severed head when I'm done... I want that to be the last thing he remembers...

"Dova..." Sadu's voice calls from behind the tent flap.
"What do you want." Thunder replies sourly. He had been trying to figure out how he could possibly escape. But there's no way that would garentee success.
"I'd figure you'd want to know. The fight is almost over."
This quickly grabs his attention. "What do you mean?"
"You're right about how deadly this war is. The sooner it ends, the better. And now we have a chance to do so."
"I don't think you mean peacefully..."
"Remember your Snivy friend? We've been tracking him. Our scout just came back. With the location of the Zoroark base. We're going to fight our final battle there." Thunder's eyes widen in horror. This plan could not have backfired any worse! Not only has he failed to convince Sadu, now they're going to assault the Zoroark base! The ensuing battle will be the bloodiest one yet...
"Dad, it's going to be a massacre! Not just for the Zoroark but for you as well! Hundreds are going to die!"
"With all the atrocities they've committed, it'll be worth it. Every fallen Raichu will be remembered as a hero."
"No, they'll be seen as killers! Dad, I'm begging you, don't do this! How many children will grow up like I did? Parents dead from a hate war, lost and confused, do you want to do that to them?" Thunder's words dig deep into Sadu's heart. Doubt floods his face. Thunder's done it! He's struck a chord! But after a few moments of silence, that hope is shattered.
"It's a sacrifice we have to make... I can't let their deeds go unpunished. I'm sorry Dova. I pray that you forgive me when I return." Thunder's ears fall flat to his sides. That was his last chance. He failed... "Goodbye Dova." His father says, leaving the tent.
Frustrated, Thunder punches the walls of his tent, only for them to be pushed back by his punch, robbing him of a satisfying impact. Alex in serious danger. A bloodbath is about to begin. And there's not a thing he can do to change it... This wasn't supposed to happen! This was supposed to be a heartfelt reunion! He was supposed to meet his long lost family. Instead he became entangled in a conflict fueled by hate and revenge. And now Alex could very easily be killed...
"Why Arceus... Why have you done this to me..." He croaks out from his cracking voice. And once again tears stream down his face.

Pokèmar Episode III: Thunder's PastWhere stories live. Discover now