Eye of the Storm

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   I couldn't think of a worse situation to be in right now. Both factions are at each others throats, I'm faced off against one of their deadliest officers, and Thunder is nowhere to be seen. There's nothing I can do to stop this. not that anyone would listen to me anyway...
   The storm rages like the battle it overlooks. The lightning giving the Raichu a distinct advantage in terms of attack strength. But the Zoroark use home field advantage to ambush them among other cunning tactics. It isn't long before the bodies start to fall. The casualties are high on both sides. It is exactly what I was afraid of.
   "So you weren't here to talk peace..." Kavi chuckles as he looks over the carnage. "It was all a ruse to lead them here. I guess I should thank you. This makes wiping them out significantly easier."
   "You don't even care that hundreds of Zoroark are dying out there!?"
   "As long as those wretched rodents are purged, I could care less. I've killed my own kind to get to this point. Where I could orchestrate this war. And I don't regret a thing." His words start spinning cog wheels in my head. So he killed to start this fight... The event that started this was that tournament fight... So...
   "Asva's son... Sadu didn't kill him, did he?"
   "...I see I've said too much... Yes. It was me. I needed something to bring more Zoroark to my cause. So I worked behind the scenes to get those two in the arena together. Then, though illusions, I was able to trick him into throwing a killing blow." I can't believe what I'm hearing. He murdered a young Zorua just so he could wage war on an entire species?!
   "You monster... Do you hate the Raichu so much that you'd kill everyone else to do so?"
   "I absolutely do. And, unfortunately for you, you've become a liability in my plan. More so than before. I think you know what comes next." His body is engulfed in a dark energy as he readies his attack. Then, from his outstretched hands, the energy surges towards me in a shadowy shockwave; it's his kind's signature move, Night Daze.
   I have no chance to react as the wave slams into me, feeling like a speeding bus just plowed right into me. I am thrown backwards uncontrollably, my body crying out in pain. Eventually, I skid to a stop, struggling to get back on my feet. This doesn't appear to be a fight I can win...
   Suddenly, without warning, a bolt of lightning strikes Kavi, stunning him. "I'm sure you remember me, don't you Kavi?" a familiar voice calls out. It's Sadu.
   "I'm guessing you're not happy about the whole 'releasing the spy' thing, are you?"
   "Save it, traitor. I'll deal with you soon enough. Now, Kavi, we have some unfinished business to attend to..."
   A sinister grin creeps over the Zoroark's face. "Indeed we do. Do try to put up more of a fight than your 'negotiator.'" I can see a flash of confusion appear on the Raichu's face, but only for a split second. It is quickly replaced by rage and anger.
   "You and your friend destroyed my life! I promise you, I will make you suffer for your actions." Without hesitating, he lets loos a flurry of electric strikes, met by Kavi's claw barely missing him. They are far too involved in their fight to pay any attention to me. I can take advantage of this...
   I focus all my effort to get myself up off the ground. Every bone in my body retorts with jabs of pain as I do so, but the situation requires that I leave. Struggling and wincing step after step, I slowly withdraw, hoping to find some place to hide while it all blows over. There's not much else I can do besides that...
   My thoughts are cut short when I spot someone else approaching... another Zoroark. Asva. And judging by his expression, he's not happy. "Oh for the love of... Give me a break..." I mutter to myself. Just my luck. Who's next, The Bittercold?
   "I thought you could be trusted, Alex. It appears that I was played for a fool."
   "Asva. Listen to me, I didn't know they were following me. I wanted to end this peacefully, like I said. You've got to believe me."
   "Not this time. It seems that even the mightiest have evil in their hearts. Yourself included."
   "Let me guess. You're going to kill me?"
   "Only if you force me. I'm going to use you as a bargaining chip. Your life for their surrender. They'll be locked away until we can decide what to do with them."
   "What?! No! They want me dead too! They won't care if you kill me or not!"
   "If that's the case, then we'll use your death as the bargaining chip." There's no way to to convince him. And my encounter with Kavi has weakened me to the point that fighting isn't an option anymore. I watch, too weakened to retaliate, as he grabs me by the tail and hoists me upward.
   "Listen to yourself! Offering up someone as a sort of sacrifice to try and get them to stand down?! How could you do this!?"
   "Desperate times call for desperate measures. And you pushed desperate times onto us, Alex." No! I can't just let this happen! Wait... there's one thing left I can try. It's a stab in the dark, but what choice do I have?
   "It wasn't Sadu who killed your son!" Almost immediately he brought me up right to his face, a mix of confusion and anger showing.
   "What?" He growled with barely restrained patience. I hit a nerve. I need to choose my next words very carefully.
   "He wasn't responsible for his death. Kavi was. He put an illusion over him. He had no idea how strong his attack was..."
   "Why should I believe you? After what you've done, I'm not really inclined to listen to slander."
   "Think about it... You must have noticed. Kavi loathes the Raichu. Doesn't it seem like he cares more about their destruction the the Zoroark he says he fights for? Would it really be that hard to believe he'd pull a stunt like that to get you on his side?" I wait, hanging in bated breath as he thinks. Did I get through to him?
   "I... I don't know what to think anymore... I just want it to be over. All the pain... all the suffering... I'm tired of it. I just want it to end."
   "Then help me. Help me to set things right." Once again, he ponders, Unsure of what to do. Eventually, though, he sets me down.
   "Okay... You're right. No more pain. No more suffering. But... how do we do this?"
   "I'm trying to figure that out myself..." My questions are quickly answered however as the battlefield darkens. and a flash of light appears a short ways ahead of us. Instantly I recognize what it is. A magnagate. I laugh out of a sense of relief at the sight. "Looks like reinforcements have arrived..."

Pokèmar Episode III: Thunder's PastWhere stories live. Discover now