The show

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{Your view}
[Next day]

I woke up and nearly jumped out of my bed. Today was the day!! I have been waited for this day for so long time! I went over to my phone and checked the clock. It was "10:30" (10:30AM) Wow I was early up! I went over and took some clothes on. I went to the bathroom and did my things. I then went over and took my keys. I unlocked the door, opened the door, stepped out and locked it again. I walked happily down the hallway. Nothing could destroy this day. I came to the elevators. I clicked on the arrow down bottom. I was so happy and excited for today. The elevator doors opened and I stepped inside. I clicked on the floor 1 bottom. The elevator doors closed and I smiled. I wanted to go down and eat breakfast. Afterwards I would go up to my hotel room and get ready for the concert. I would walk over to the concert, so I knew, that I needed some time to find the place first and all that. The elevator doors opened at floor 1 and I stepped out. I walked slowly over to the hotel's restaurant. I got a table for one, and I sat down at the table. I looked at the menu, and I knew already, what I wanted to eat for breakfast.

{Jimin's view}

We left the hotel early morning, because we needed to go practice before the concert. We practiced and practiced, until we were perfect. Now we had a break after three hours practice. I sat on the stage with my water bottle and looked out, where the crowd would be tonight. Wow.. There would be so many fans tonight! I was so excited to see the ARMYS!! What if I would make a mistake tonight?? Oh that though always comes, before I have to go on stage. I was excited and nervous. I sat there and smiled. How did we come this far? To performance on this big stage tonight.. We couldn't do it without our ARMYS! I took a sip of my water bottle.
"I just heard from our manger, that there would be breakfast soon!" Jin said, right after he walked on the stage.
"Well.. When would there be breakfast??" Suga asked. He just laid on the stage, because he was so exhausted from practice.

"Soon he said.. He said that the food is on the way.." Jin said and sat down on the stage.
"Good.." Taehyung said and smiled.

"Guys??" I said quietly. Everyone looked at me.
"Yeah?" Rap Monster said.

"Can you guys remember our first concert together??" I asked.
"Yeah.. I was so nervous.." Jungkook said and smiled.

"I was so excited.." J-Hope said and laughed.
"Guys did you imagine, that we would come this far?" I asked.

"Well.. Since I'm the leader, I would say, that yes I imagined this, because I saw something in us, that not so many boy-groups have," Rap Monster said and took a sip of his water bottle.
"I knew, we would come this far, and maybe we would even go further than this!" Suga said and smiled. I just kept looking out to, where the crowd would be.

Jin walked out of the stage, he came back after some few seconds and yelled "THE FOOD IS HERE!!" We all went quickly up and ran out of the stage. Finally it was food time!

{Your view}

I left the hotel slowly, because I had a lot of time. The clock was "01:30" (01:30PM) I asked a person, who worked at the hotel, where the place was, and he said, that I should just keep walking in the direction, I was walking in now. Well.. I got my ARMY BOMB with me! Yes I had an ARMY BOMB.. I bought it on EBay (^__^) Now everyone knew, I was an ARMY! I kept walking and walking. Wow I was getting tired. I didn't know, how long time I had been walking in, but now I was tired. I stopped and looked around a bit. Wow this city kept surprising me with it's beauty. I decided to keep walking, because I wanted to make sure, that I wasn't late for the concert. I kept walking for around two hours... Maybe three hours. Finally I saw a big sign, where there stood "BTS <3". Wow the place looked so big. I went quickly over to the place and saw that ARMYS already made a big line. I went over to the line and followed it to the end. I walked into the line. Wow.. I think there would come more ARMYS!! Tonight was going to be so fun! I waited and waited for hours. A lot of other ARMYS stood behind me. Finally the line started to move!! I was finally closer to the entrance!! YEAH!! I was already fangirling inside of my head. It took a lot of time and finally I was in!! I walked as fast, as I could to get to, where I was going to stand. I came there and realised it was so close to the stage. Well.. The bodyguards were in front of me. I think, I got the best place to stand! I was lucky! I waited and waited. The ARMYS started to sing one of BTS songs and of course I sang too! I was so happy and excited. One ARMY tried to talk to me in Korean and I said nicely to the fan, that I didn't understood Korean. We sang and sang. Finally everything became black and a song started. Everyone started to scream, I just stood there and stared. BTS came on the stage and the fans screamed even louder. WOW THEY COULD SCREAM! The dance BTS danced was so amazing.. Like always. I took my phone and filmed a bit, but I wanted to enjoy the concert and not just stand there with my phone all the time. I sang along to the songs. For some reason it felt like, Jimin was looking at me. It felt like, Jimin's eyes were locked on me. OH THOSE BEAUTIFUL EYES!!! All the music stopped at one point and BTS began to talk in Korean. Jimin walked over to, where I stood. He sat down right in front of me. He sat on the edge of the stage. He smiled at me. I just smiled shyly back. All the fans around me were screaming and filming with their phones. I just stood there and looked at him. I didn't know, if he actually looked at me or someone else. But it felt like, he was looking at me. He kept smiling. After some seconds Suga walked over to Jimin and sat down next to him. Suga looked in my direction and when he saw me, he smiled and whispered something in Jimin's ear. Jimin smiled after that and nodded his head. Maybe they were talking about someone behind me? Maybe they were looked at someone behind me? It couldn't be me right?! No it couldn't?! Suga stood up and walked over to the rest of BTS. He whispered something in Jin's ear and Jin looked surprised at Suga. Jin walked then over to Jimin and looked at me and smiled. WHAT?! WERE THEY TALKING ABOUT ME?! Jin then walked back to Suga and nodded his head. Jin walked then over to Taehyung and whispered something in his ear. Taehyung smiled and kind of ran over to Jimin. Taehyung smiled while he was looking at me. Jimin kept looking at me. I felt so shy and scared. Taehyung then ran back to Jin and smiled. Jin walked over to Rap Monster and whispered something in his ear. Rap Monster looked confused at Jin. Rap Monster then walked over to Jimin and he smiled, in the second he saw me. OMG!! Rap Monster walked away and Jung Kook came over to Jimin and sat down next to him. J-Hope came too. J-Hope smiled and sat down on the other side of Jimin. Jungkook saw me and he then looked at Jimin. Jungkook then whispered something in Jimin's ear. Jimin just nodded. I think J-Hope heard it, because he looked really surprised. J-Hope then spotted me and he smiled. I wanted to cover my face with my hands! I WAS SO SHY! J-Hope stood up and walked over to Suga, who was talking to the fans. The music started, but Jimin and Jungkook still sat there and looked at me. Jungkook stood up and walked over to some other fans. Jimin just kept sitting there and looked at me. COULD HE PLEASE JUST STOP THAT!!!???!! OMG!! It was, Jimin's turn to sing. He started to sing, but he kept looking at me. It felt like, he was singing to me. OMG HIS BEAUTIFUL VOICE!?!!!!!?!?!? LET ME DIE SOMEWHERE!! OMFG!! I COULDN'T HANDLE HIS BEAUTIFUL VOICE!! I just stood there and looked at him. He kept sing and he smiled to me, right after he was finish. His perfect smile, there could kill a whole fandom! He let his hand go through his hair. I WAS FANGIRLING LIKE CRAZY IN MY HEAD!! OMG! JIMIN HOW DARED YOU TO DO THAT TO ME?!!! OMG!! I think, I blushed, because he giggled for some seconds. Jimin sat there for two more songs and after that he needed to go dance. It was the final song and all the ARMYS sang along to the song. It sounded amazing. I sang along too. The song ended and BTS disappeared. All the fans screamed and some of the ARMYS next to me started to cry. I just stood there and looked at the place, where Jimin sat. The bodyguard looked at me, while he talked in a walkie-talkie. He came over to me and said "Excuse me, could you please follow me?" I asked if I did something wrong. He answered then "No.. But please follow me!"

I nodded my head and the bodyguard started to walk close to the stage. I just followed him. Questions popped up in my head. It was "Where is he taking me and why is he taking me there?" We came to a place, where there stood a lot of bodyguards. I think, it was the entrance to coming backstage. But why would he take me backstage?! The bodyguard said something in Korean and the other bodyguard moved aside, so we could walk past them. We came backstage. Wow I had never been backstage before?! But wait why was I backstage now?! The bodyguard walked over to a room, he opened the door and said calmly "Please step inside and wait!" I asked him then "Why?"

He smiled and said "Because it's really important.." I just walked inside. The bodyguard then closed the door. So now I just stood in a room for no reason, and I didn't know, what was going to happen. I walked further into the room. The walls where white and there were chairs against the walls. I stood in the middle of the room. Wow this room was big. I turned around, so I faced the door. I turned my ARMY BOMB off. I looked at the floor and I then started to think about the whole concert. Jimin looked so cute and handsome! Bangtan's voices sounded so perfect! Everything was just amazing. All the fans sang along. Wow I would never forget that night. The door suddenly upended and I looked up. Jimin and Rap Monster came in. I saw, that they had changed their clothes after the concert. Jimin smiled at me and I smiled back. Jimin said "Hello.."

I said shyly "Hello.." Rap Monster said then "You may know this.. Jimin can not speak properly English, but he is learning it.. But meanwhile I will be translation, what he says and what you say, if Jimin doesn't understand it.." I smiled and nodded my head.

Jimin the asked "How are you?" I really loved Jimin's accent, when he spoke English. I said shyly "I'm fine thanks and you?"

Jimin smiled and said "I'm fine thank you.." I could see, that Jimin was nervous. "I like your accent, when you speak English.." I said and smiled.. WAIT WHY DID I SAY THAT?! Jimin looked confused at Rap Monster, then Rap Monster translated.

Jimin smiled and said "Thank you.." Then Jimin said something in Korean. Rap Monster said then "He said, that he likes your accent too,"

I smiled shyly and said "Thank you.." OMG I WAS TALKING TO JIMIN?!?!?!?!!!! Jimin said something in Korean. Rap Monster translated "He asked, if your name was Y/N" HOW DID HE FOUND OUT, WHAT MY NAME WAS?!!!!! OMG!

I answered shyly "Yeah.. My name is Y/N.." Jimin smiled and said something in Korean. Rap Monster looked at me and said "He said, that you have a beautiful name.."

I smiled and said "Thank you.." Jimin smiled and said "You are welcome.." His accent was so cute!!! Jimin said something in Korean and of course Namjoon translated "He said, he likes you.." I could feel it in my cheeks. I was really blushing. My cheeks became so red. Jimin giggled.

"Tell Jimin, that I like him too.." I said while blushing. Namjoon then translated it to Jimin. Jimin then started to smile, like he just won the lottery or something. I had never seen Jimin this happy. Jimin said something in Korean. Rap Monster looked at me and said "Jimin asked, if you wanted to go out with him.. Like on a date or something.." I blushed even more. OMG WAS THIS TRUE?!!

I smiled and said "Yes of course.." Jimin smiled so much.. He looked so happy. Even more happy than before. Jimin then said something in Korean. Namjoon smiled and asked "Are you free tomorrow??" I nodded my head. Jimin said something and smiled. Namjoon said then "Okay.. Then he will pick you up at 1 o'clock.. If it's alright with you?"

I smiled and said "It's alright.." Rap Monster translated it, and Jimin smiled so much. WAS I GOING ON A REAL DATE WITH PARK JIMIN?! WHAT ON EARTH?! HOLY CRAP!!!  Rap Monster then said something to Jimin. Jimin looked at Rap Monster and said something. Rap Monster then looked at me and said "Well.. We have a car outside ready to drive you back at the hotel.."

I smiled and said "Yeah.."
Rap Monster smiled and said calmly "The bodyguard outside will follow you to the car.."

I smiled and said "Thanks.."
Jimin said "See you tomorrow.."

I looked at him and smiled, and then I said "Yeah see you tomorrow.." I walked over to the door and opened it. I walked out of the door and the closed it. I looked at the bodyguard and asked "Excuse me are you the one, who would follow me to the car?" He nodded his head and started to walk. I followed him. I couldn't stop smiling.

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