The start of the plan

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{Your view}

I walked around in Seoul, because after my breakfast I was bored, so I decided to go explore Seoul again today. Wow it was so beautiful this city. Yesterday I also walked around in Seoul. I couldn't get Jimin out of my head. Why was he like that? Why? Why did he act so different? The fact that I was talking to Jimin was surreal. Everything was like a dream or like a movie. Hhmm.. Maybe if this was a movie, what would happen.. What would be Jimin's next move then? Asking me out or something? Naaahh.. That would never happen.. If it would, I think, I would go crazy. I have been walking around in the city for around three hours now. I didn't want to go back to the hotel room. I was too nervous to see Jimin again. My brain just didn't want to shut up about Jimin! It nearly drove me crazy. HE nearly drove me crazy. Why? Why was I acting like that? I should be happy? Why wasn't I happy? Okay.. I think, I just couldn't take the fact, that Jimin was really talking to me. Maybe I was just crazy.. Well that was not a new fact then. Tomorrow I knew, that I would see BTS performance! I was really excited, and I was really nervous, because I had never seen BTS performance before. I knew, it would be amazing! I would hear all their beautiful voices, and I would meet other ARMYS! Tomorrow would be an amazing day! I was so excited. I kept walking around in this park. I really liked to walk in it. I really liked the trees there, and it was so quiet there. It was not that far away from the hotel. I was tired in my legs from walking so much, so I decided to walk back to the hotel. I just walked quietly back to the hotel, while I watched all those busy people driving in their cars, and running around on the streets. Why were everyone so busy?

{Jimin's view}

WHERE WAS HE/SHE?! OMG WHY WASN'T SHE/HE IN HER/HIS HOTEL ROOM?! I just sat on my bed, and was worried that something happened to her/him. Suga was still sleeping.. Of course.. Taehyung stormed into the room, and he slammed the door, after he entered the room. Oh Taehyung this wasn't the time for bordering me! I wanted to hit him, because I was still angry at him. I looked quickly over to Suga, who slept like an angel. How could he still be asleep?? I looked over at Taehyung with angry eyes.
"What do you want?!" I said really annoyed and angrily.
"Wow relax!! I just wanted to tell you what that girl's/boy's name was!" Taehyung said and smiled.

"What?!" I said and nearly jumped off the bed.
"You want to know the name??" Taehyung asked.

"Yes?!" I said curiously.
"Okay that boy's/girl's name is y/n!" Taehyung said. Wow what a beautiful name!!

"Wow!" I said and smiled. That beautiful name.. WHERE WAS Y/N?! I HOPED THAT NOTHING HAPPENED TO HIM/HER!!! At least I knew the boy's/girl's name now.
"Why do you look so worried??" Taehyung asked curiously.

"Y/n is not in her/his hotel room.." I said sadly.
"Ohh yeah.. It's because he/she went out for a walk, I think.. Because I saw, that she/he walked out of the hotel alone earlier.." Taehyung said and smiled.

"And you didn't told me?!" I said and walked closer to Taehyung.
"Wow calm down!! You had a English lesson with Namjoon, and I couldn't border you at that time!!" Taehyung said and walked a bit backwards.

"Hhmm.. Yeah you are right.." I said and walked away from Taehyung. I sat down on the bed and looked at the floor. I was still worried. Maybe he/she was with another girl/boy??
"Hey don't be sad!!" Taehyung said and tried to cheer me up.

"Why shouldn't I be sad? Give me a reason to not be sad!" I said angrily and looked at him.. I looked down at the floor again. I was angry, I was worried, I was broken. I was only angry at myself. I was angry for loving a person, I got no chance with. She/he would never love me. I was broken, because I knew, I got no chance with her/him. I was worried, that he/she were in danger. Why did I care so much for a person, I didn't know?! I didn't know why, but a teardrop came out of my left eye and it traveled down my cheek. It came all the way down my face. It fell from my face and landed on the floor. I looked up at Taehyung. I stood up and walked over to him. I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back. I just started to completely cry. The tears rushed down my face, I couldn't keep it back anymore. Why did I let myself get hurt?
"It's okay.." Taehyung said and hugged me even tighter.

"No it's not... It will never be.. Not when I don't have her/him by my side!" I said and cried even more. Why did I cry? Why was I so weak? Why did I care so much about Y/n?!
"You will get her/him!" I heard, Suga said. I let go of Taehyung and looked over at Suga.

"How do you know?" I said and tried to whip my tears away.
"I just know.." He said with a sleepy voice. His hair was all messy and he looked kind of confused.

"You just know??" I said with a lifted eyebrow.
"I just know.. Now stop crying, because I really don't like, when you cry.. And I know, Taehyung doesn't like it either!" Suga said and let his hand go through his messy hair. I tried to whip all my tears away and I managed to get myself to stop crying.

"Now that you are done cry, should we try to make that plan, that I talked about yesterday?" Suga said and smiled.
"Yeah we could try.." I said and looked at Taehyung.

"Taehyung go get the others.." Suga command.
"I will.." Taehyung said and went over to the door, he opened the door, he went out and closed it.

"Take a seat!" Suga said and clapped on the bed, right in front of him. I sat down in front of Suga.
"Listen.." He started. I looked at him. He had his night clothes on.

"I know you like her/him, but you need to be patience.. We will help you, so you can get him/her! So just wait and see.. We will be there for you, that's what friends do right?" He finished and smiled.
"Yeah.. Thanks for doing and saying all this things Suga!" I said and smiled. Suga cheered me up.

"You are welcome.. I just do, what a friend needs to do!" He said and smiled. The other boys stormed into the room, and slapped the door behind them.
"I HEARD, IT WAS AN EMERGENCY!" Jin said or nearly screamed and it looked like he got an heart attack.

"What is it?? Is it THAT important?! I was practicing my dance for tomorrow night!" J-Hope said and looked angrily at Suga.
"I was juuuust doing something really important.. Like it is called sleep. I think, you know, what I'm talk about Suga!" Rap Monster said and laughed a bit.

"I was just trying to avoid Jimin today.. But I don't know why, I ended up here.." Jungkook said and smiled.
"Guys.. We have to make that plan now!" Suga said, and stepped out of his bed. DID YOU HEAR ME, HE STEPPED OUT OF HIS BED?!!!! NOW THIS NEEDED TO BE VERY IMPORTANT TO SUGA, OTHERWISE HE WOULD NEVER STEP OUT OF HIS BED!!

"Why now??" Jin said and looked at Suga.
"Yeah why now?" J-Hope said. Taehyung just stood there and was in his own world again.

"Listen guys.. Jimin is broken.. And we need to make that plan now, otherwise he would be more broken, and I know you guys don't want to see him broken, so let's make that plan!" Suga said while looking at each and every member there stood in front of him.
"I'm in.." Rap Monster said and smiled to me. I just gave him a quick smile for some seconds.

"Well.. I can't avoid Jimin today.. So I am in.." Jungkook said while looking at Suga.
"What about you two??" Suga asked while looking at J-Hope and Jin.

"Okay.. I am in.." Jin said and smiled.
"Yeah okay.. I am in.." J-Hope said.

"What about you Taehyung???" Suga said and everyone looked at Taehyung.
"Wha??" Taehyung said confused.

"Are you in??" Suga asked Taehyung about.
"Yeah yeah I am in.." He said, but I knew, he didn't know, what he was in..

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