The day after..

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{Jimin's view}

I woke up the next morning with a big smile on my face. Yesterday after the show I asked Y/N out. Aaahhh.. And after that I had a English lesson with Namjoon-hyung!! I had to prepare for today's date! Ahh I was still nervous, even though She/he said, that she/he liked me! I knew, I had to confess my love to her/him different than just saying it like that! Ahh I was angry at myself, for just saying that I liked him/her! I wanted it to be special and different from the girls/boys in his/her country! I wanted it to be really special!! But I didn't want to say, that I liked her/him on the first date! I had to wait a bit.. Ahh I couldn't wait for the date!! I took my clothes on and I went to the bathroom. Suga-hyung was still asleep.. Of course. I did all the things, I needed to do there and after that I went to take on my shoes. I was going to eat breakfast alone today.. Hhmm but I didn't mind it at all. I looked over at Suga-hyung, who was sleeping like an angel.. Well if you wake him up, he won't be an angel at all... He would probably eat you alive or he would just kill you, because you woke him up.. Ohh.. I didn't want to bring the keys with me, because then Suga-hyung couldn't locked the door after him. I took my phone with me, and my wallet, because I was going to buy some new clothes only for the date today! Also I needed new clothes.. I took also a mask, sunglasses and a hat with me. Maybe nobody would notice me today? I hoped, because I really wanted to spend some time looking after the perfect clothes for the date! I unlocked the door and slowly opened it, because I didn't want to wake Suga-hyung up, and die of it.. I was too young to die!! I went out of the hotel room. I closed the door slowly and quietly. Wow I was all alone now!! I walked down the hallway and I came to the elevators. Ahh.. I was so excited.. This day would be good!! I clicked on the arrow down bottom. I took my hat and mask on. Even though I would just go eat, I still wanted to have it on. The elevator doors opened and I stepped inside. Ahh.. I clicked on the floor 1 bottom. I actually hadn't planned anything for the date yet. Maybe we would just walk in a park and maybe go eat something? That sounded like a great idea! I was the only one in the elevator. Well it felt really weird to be alone. Normally I was always with one to six others! Ahh but now I was all alone. On my own with nobody's company than myself. Well.. Some people say, that it's good to be by yourself sometimes.. It was so quietly. The only sound I could hear was the elevator music. I have never heard the elevator music before, because always was Taehyung, J-Hope-hyung and Jungkook talking. I was finally away from their teasing! Well.. I already miss them.. A bit.. But not so much hehe.. The elevator doors opened and I went out. I walked quickly over to the restaurant. Nobody was going to notice me. I hoped nobody from BTS were up. I hoped, that they weren't at the restaurant and eating, because I wanted to be alone. I was never alone.. I was always with somebody, so now I wanted to be alone, so I could prepare myself for this date. I came to the restaurant and I asked for a table for one. Wow luckily non of the BTS members were here. The waitress followed me to the the table. I sat down and the waitress gave me the menu and left. I opened the menu, but I already knew, what I wanted to eat. I wanted pancakes and a glass of water. I laid down the menu on the table. Aahh.. I hoped non of the BTS members would come! I took off my mask and laid it on the table. The waitress came back and I ordered some pancakes and a glass of water. The waitress smiled and wrote it down. He took the menu and left. Wow.. It was so quiet. I actually enjoyed the silence. I could only hear other people, who were in the restaurant, speaking. But they spoke really low, so nobody were going to know, what they were talking about. Normally everything around me were loud and really noisy. I really enjoyed being alone. Well.. I think this was the longest time, I have been alone in!

{Your view}
I woke up, because I felt out of the bed. Well what a good thing to start the day on.. Could you hear the sarcasm in that? Hehe.. I nearly crawled to the bathroom, because I was still a bit asleep. Today I wanted to take a shower! I went and did something in the bathroom, after that I crawled back and got some clothes and then I went back to the bathroom. I left the clothes, I had to have on that day, on the toilet seat. I took my night clothes off and stepped into the shower. I turned the water on, and it was so cold. I ran out off the shower. GOD! But at least I was awake now.. I tried to turn the water on in the middle of hot and cold. It took a lot of time, before I could get the water to be the correct temperature. I stepped back into the shower. Wow today was going to be a good day!

{Jimin's view}
I left the restaurant and I took my mask on. "Jimin run to the exit before anyone from BTS see you!!" Ahh my mind told me to do that. I walked as fast as possible to the exit. I could see the exit and I smiled. I was so close to be free from them.. "JIMIN-AAHH!!" I heard a familiar voice behind me. My smile disappeared. I stopped and looked at the ground.. NOO!!! I turned slowly around and I looked up.. Of course.. Who would it else be.. It was Jungkook.. GOD JUNGKOOK!! I WAS SO CLOSE TO BE ALONE!!!

"Jimin-ahh, where are you going?" Jungkook asked me curious about. Jungkook walked closer to me. He had a black hat on and a black mask on.
"Somewhere.. But where are you going Jungkook?" I said and looked curious at him. He was all dressed up. I think, he was going out or something.

"I'm going with you!" Jungkook said happily.
"Whaaaat??" I said surprised. Jungkook wanted to go with me?? He never wanted to go with me somewhere and not even being alone with me. But suddenly he wanted to.. Hhhmm there must be something in it..

"Didn't you hear me hyung?? I'm going with you!" Jungkook said and laughed.
"How did you know, I was going somewhere??" I asked him curious about.

"Well.." He stopped. He looked at the floor. His cheeks became red.
"Jungkook, were you spying on me?!" I asked and looked seriously at him. He looked up and his cheeks became more red than before. He nodded his head and he looked down at the floor again.

"Aahh.. It's alright Jungkook.. You can come with me, if you want to!" I said. Jungkook looked quickly up. His eyes lighted so bright and I could imagine, that he was smiling behind that mask. He quickly hugged me. I hugged him back.
"Aahh.. Thanks Jimin-hyung!" Jungkook said and let me go.

"Ahh.. It's alright.. Now let's go before anyone else come!" I said and turned around. I started to walk into the direction of the exit.

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