Allison | Clint & Natasha

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It was common knowledge that when born, no matter if your future soulmate had been born or not, you were born with the first words they would speak to you in their own handwriting somewhere on your body. It wasn't rare for someone to have more than one set of words, as in Allison's case, but it was rare to have none- to be an Unmarked, as in Allison's girlfriend's case.

She had been happy to learn that she had two people who were Fated for her, but when she was old enough to understand her words she didn't feel all that great about one of them. And then toss in the Hunting business, werewolves and all the drama that surrounded Beacon Hills and well.. Allison didn't see herself leaving the small town. Ever. Nor would she want to drag anyone into the drama that came along with the supernatural.

Growing up with two different soulmarks on her ribs, Allison Argent always figured she'd get along great with one and be rejected by the other no matter whether they were romantic or platonic.

One of her soulmates was the reason for her love of archery- her father Chris having immediately approved when he saw her words, even more so when Allison was brought into the family Hunting business- and the other was the reason for Allison's early on self-esteem issues especially since she knew they would all be linked together and not to random people. She had wondered how that would work out, if one accepted her and the other rejected. Would they band together and leave her out or would she come in between them and cause problems?

So when Allison met an Unmarked at a new school and instantly clicked with the flirtatious- secretly fragile- girl, Allison was hooked. Her girlfriend knew of Allison's words- knew that Allison wasn't meant for her, but really no one was- and asked her out anyway. So throwing caution to the wind, Allison entered a relationship with someone who wasn't her soulmate and gave her heart away to one Lydia Martin.

The two girls had ups and downs what with Allison keeping secrets about the supernatural world, but when it came down to it in the end Lydia was told everything because she wasn't exactly human herself. They went through a rogue alpha together, friends being bitten and turned left and right, a pack of alpha werewolves, a Darach, Oni and a Nogitsune. Friends were killed left and right, and in the end the McCall pack gained a werecoyote and a kitsune among their ranks.

They had near death experiences constantly, but now they were finally granted some calm and peace. Well, at least for a good solid six months did they have that peace. Presently, they have yet another group of werewolves running around and killing when they feel like it.


Allison's scouting an abandoned warehouse on the edge of town, bow gripped tight in hand and arrow nocked just in case. The group of werewolves terrorizing the town are a bunch of omegas that banded together and found the buzz of power surrounding Beacon Hills alluring. Body after body had been found, some being dragged from states over, and the body count was high enough that it's gained national attention.

It's hard to protect Beacon Hills from the supernatural when all eyes are on the town, but the McCall pack is trying their best.

Now gently walking the catwalk high above, Allison peers down only to realize that the warehouse is in fact the werewolves' hiding place. Supplies- both old and new- litter the ground as well as a god awful stench of what she can only assume is death.

The catwalk she's perched on vibrates just the slightest, her instincts kicking in as she whirls in the direction her gut is telling her to. She pulls on the bow string, ready to fire her arrow at the man now standing there. His face is rugged and weathered, and tanned from what Allison can tell what with little light is shining down on them. His sandy blonde hair is in a buzz cut, the black tactical jeans and combat boots surprising her. His vest has panels of purple, and a bow and quiver of arrows is strapped to his back. There's something about this man that has Allison's mind in a tizzy, she knowing she's seen him somewhere, but her safety beats out any other thoughts.

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