q [7.19]

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[ yeah, it's still the same day ]

Tobi and Ethan had never met. When they stumbled into each other at the corner of their two streets, they marveled at the first sight of each other.

Tobi was taller than Ethan had expected. Also, he was dark skinned which Ethan didn't expect either. He was dressed cleanly and he wore a hat to cover up his hair which was probably groomed perfectly as well.

Ethan was exactly how Tobi had pictured him. Although Ethan was a little shorter than Tobi thought, he had envisioned Ethan as a guy who kept his hair cropped short and his face cut clean. The clothes he wore were simple and casual, but nonetheless Tobi believed Ethan would be an interesting person to be around.



"Yes, brilliant, let's go. Do you have an idea of where Vik lives?"

Tobi shook his head. "No, I've never met the guy. He's nearby though. Or I think he is. It sounds like we're on the way to save him from being kidnapped."

"Well, I happen to know the building they reside in. Harry's told me before. But I agree. We're just trying to prevent them from moving away. I've no idea why Harry suddenly decided to change his whole life around. He never even mentioned a proposal to Vik and they've only been dating for two and a half years. Maybe they love each other enough. But that's not the point. Harry's not telling us something important." Ethan said as he walked quickly along the pavement. Tobi jogged to keep up with him.

"So you're saying he's hiding something from us?" Tobi asked, slightly out of breath and amazed at how Ethan seemed to be perfectly fine.

"Yeah, he would've told me if it was seriously important. Vik doesn't even know and that's the scary part."

Tobi sighed, jogging lightly beside Ethan. He looked around at the people shoving past them.

People are all unsuspecting of the other people around them. No one knows whether the person beside them is in grave danger or on the way to adopt a child. No one knows who is safe and sound or who is in debt. Everyone turns a blind eye to everyone and Tobi was scared of that.

His friend could be in possible danger, although the chance was slim, and no one was aware of it.

"Are we almost there?" Tobi called out after walking silently together for six minutes.

Ethan nodded, pointing at the massive building looming up ahead. The exterior was made of weathered brick and cream paneling. They ran to the entrance of the facility and walked in, taken aback by the drastic change of design.

The interior was gleaming and white, everything seeming new and clean. Ethan wandered up to a panel of many buttons, each having a sticker with a name scribbled on it above it and a tiny speaker next to it.

Ethan's finger hovered over all of the buttons before it stopped over one with the label 'Lewis/Barn.' He turned to Tobi and gave him a weak smile before pressing the shiny silver button.

"Hello?" A tiny voice came through the speaker. Ethan sighed with relief and rested his hand on the wall. Tobi looked around at the large lobby of the flat building. There were a few people milling about, one or two chatting aimlessly with the people behind a mahogany counter in the left of the room. No one was watching Ethan and Tobi.

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