Chapter Fifteen - The Walls That Block the Way

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Fear isn't evil. It tell's you what your weakness is. And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger and kinder.

"So, one of the pests has arrived?" Henrich smirked from his high balcony, watching Natsu run faster than anyone he had ever seen towards the tower. "I would love to see how well you handle my guards, strong or not."

Natsu felt energy, adrenaline. He felt anger towards Henrich, for hunting down good wizards and guilds. For using dark magic. For being alive.

Henrich was telling everyone lies, and he manipulated people to get what he wanted; war. Natsu was almost at the foot of the tower, he passed the walls that surrounded the tower, breaking a hole through the stone. That was when he was stopped.

There was a man - boy - standing in front of Natsu's way. Natsu had a strong feeling by the magic aura that he wouldn't be able to get past that guy so easily.

Natsu came to a stop and glared at the guy.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Lexoi," he answered.

"How old are you...?" Natsu felt thoroughly confused by the beard and the fact the person looked fifteen.

"I am even older than you." Lexoi said, "Now, let's get down to business, to defeat you. I cannot let you get by."

"You think you can stop me?"


"Fat chance!"

"I am aware of your training, boy. I'm aware of your strength and abilities, but, that doesn't mean you can defeat me. I am stronger then you could let on. Despite your...secrete, I can defeat you, even if I have to go to my length. I am linked through a magical being who is stronger than you and..."

I hate when the guys I'm suppose to be fighting blabber on about their powers...Natsu thought, What's this guy even talking about? Is he giving me his life story about how he is such an evil guy? Or is it that he's telling me how well trimmed his beard is...I dunno...I guess his beard is cool...I should grow a beard. No...that wouldn't look right on me. I'd look like Gildarts...ew. Weird. Oh, speaking of Gildarts, I bet I could beat him in a battle now. I'm stronger than him I bet. Haha...I'm gonna beat the crap out of him, and finally show him how much awesomer I am and that I don't even need a beard to be cooler and stronger! Wait, is this guy still talking?

"So, now that you understand everything, how about we get fighting?"

"Uh..." Natsu chuckled. "...well, I hope you're excited to see tomorrow soon, because I'm going to punch you so hard you'll end up there!"

Lexoi grinned, "Bring it on biscuit."

Natsu raised his first and attacked Lexoi. His first was engulfed in flames, and he aimed straight for the bearded man child's face. A sharp pain struck Natsu's fist. He pulled his arm away and jumped back, glanced at his hand. Pain was exploding in his hand, where a knife had gone straight through his hand. Except, it was a rock blade.

Natsu grit his teeth and pulled it out, holding his hand as red dripped down his fingers.

"Oh don't be so dismayed. Weren't you listening? I did tell you the magical abilities I have, and how much pain they can be."

Natsu growled a curse at Lexoi, causing the mage to laugh.

"Oh please, that's not a fatal wound. It's hardly anything to what I have in store for you," Lexoi smirked.

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