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It had been a week and a half since Daniel and I broke up and the fight I had just been hanging out with my friends and going to soccer practice everyday it killed me everyday to not be with him but I don't want to give in so easily because I'm still hurt that he didn't trust me it was so weird between us now especially when we would see each other.

We would occasionally say hi to each other in the halls or in class at school but never a full conversation it was a Saturday and I planned on just hanging out with my friends today maybe hit them up see what they wanna do then my phone dinged indicating I got a text

Unkown~ what happened Nique pastors daughter gone wrong and Daniel never loved you slut someone texted me not knowing or caring who it is I would get these texts frequently yeah my dad is a pastor hard to believe because of how much I curse but my life has never been good not even at church the new comers would come in and judge me immediately as they saw but never even care to actually try to get to know me that's why I hated going to church so I would fake being sick so wouldn't have to go or my mom would just leave me if I wasn't ready in time

I had been sitting on my couch just watching tv in some sweats and a hoodie because my friends already had plans when my phone starting ringing so I answered

Me~ hello who is this? Unknown~ hey Dominique this is Mrs.Veda how are you?
Me~ oh hey mrs.veda I've been doing okay I guess
Mrs.Veda~ umm...could you maybe come over so I could talk to you for a minute?
Me~umm....I don't think that is a good idea I don't think d- she cut me off
Mrs.Veda~ could you please just come over I really need to talk to you and I can't do it over the phone
Me~ alright fine I will be there in like 5 min
Mrs.Veda~ alright I'll see you then bye
Then she hung up I was really confused on why she wanted to talk to me so bad but I'm kind of hoping it isn't about Daniel.

I changed into some light washed skinny jeans and a nude pink shirt and put on my black Rihanna puma fur slides and grabbed my phone and headed out the door to Daniel's house.

I arrived and knocked on the door it immediately opening to me seeing a smiling Mrs.Veda "hey honey" she said "umm..hi what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked still standing outside of the door "oh yeah come in and sit down on the couch first" she said leading me inside then closing the door and jogging upstairs I was kind of hoping Daniel wasn't home so he wouldn't see me but then guess who she came down the stairs with Daniel with puffy eyes looking very sleepy his eyes met mine and immediately widened "Daniel sit" Mrs.Veda said he sat on the far side of the couch while I sat on the other far side.

A/N what does Daniel's mom want to talk to Dominique so bad about? find out in the next chapter:)

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