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I woke up to Dominique getting out of bed to go to the bathroom til I noticed she was limping "damn Nique you good" I said laughing "daniel shut the hell up" she said limping into the bathroom then coming out "get up your carrying me home we got school" she said I quickly got up and picked her up on my back as we headed out the door to her house I dropped her off and quickly ran home so I could get ready

Nique POV
I'm so fucking pissed at Daniel right now I can barely even fucking walk and I got soccer today how am I supposed to run but I quickly got ready and got on the bus to school

I arrived at school went to my locker got my stuff not talking to anyone went to my first period then came my second period and as I was sitting in class my phone vibrated so I checked it and said I got a text from my mom oh god I thought to myself the text said "hey Nique Nique I know you slept at Daniel's last night that's fine just make sure your getting to school on time also we will be back this weekend see you then bye" I was actually happy they were coming back I hadn't seen them in two weeks and I kind of missed the trash music they would play in the house then I realized the bell had ring so I quickly got up to my next class
*skip to lunch

I walked into the lunch room limping to my table and I guess my friends noticed because they started yelling things like "OH MY GOD SHE LIMPING SHE GOT THE D" "GOD DAMN NIQUE NIQUE WAS IT THAT GOOD" "AYE NIQUE GET IT" and banging on the table "y'all need to chill for real" I said "I need to know the facts" my friend Ashley said "you trippin I ain't saying shit" I said starting to eat my food

"oh my Papi is coming over" "God damn he fine as fuck" "he can fuck me any day" my friends were whispering to eachother so I knew it was either kev or Devin coming over "hey ma you good I saw you limping?" Kev asked me sitting down next to me "umm yeah I'm fine" I said turning to look at him "oh aight" he said getting up and walking back to his table I continued to talk to me friends til the bell rang indicating lunch was over so we all walked to our next classes
*skip to end is the school day

I hadn't talked to Daniel all day I just hated that I have to run a good 3 fucking miles and I know my coach was not gonna let me leave because I was limping after soccer practice I got a ride home from Adriana's mom "bye mrs.brown thanks so much for the ride" I said getting out of the car and walking inside my house

I'm so stressed right now all I wanted to do right now was smoke I hadn't done it in a couple of days and I really just needed it right now so I went to my brothers room went to the drawer and pulled out the last blunt he had left in there and light it and went and sat on my bed on my phone

Til I looked up and saw Devin standing at my door "why do you do this?" He asked " to be honest I don't really know why" i said then I realized something "wait how the fuck did you get into my house?" I asked "don't worry about that if I catch you doing this again I will tell Daniel and you know I will" he said leaving me not really caring if he told him or not.

A/N kind of a boring chapter sorry not sorry but keep reading to find out what happens next:)

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