Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I know I uploaded the last chappie on Christmas but I forgotten to wish you guys so Merry Belated Christmas! :D yeah, I know, so lame.

Anyways, I am not gonna keep you waiting, since you probably are not reading this anyway.

Julia :)


3 months passed by in a dash. I had spent almost every day with Alex. We played at the beach, swam in the pool, and discovered the town and more. It was extremely fun. We had become the ultimate best friends in 3 months. Nevertheless, I still remembered to email Chris about everything, even though we were far apart, I still will love him as a friend.

The next thing I knew, I was packing up…again. Except this time, I was going to Carrington Academy.

I was in my room, my luggage on my bed open; my hands on my hips, thinking what I’ve might have forgotten to pack. My phone was lying next to my luggage. My room was quite empty. I had packed everything. Now, I just had to text Alex to tell him I’d finish packing, which meant I won our little competition of seeing who’d pack finish first. I smirked triumphantly after I clicked ‘send’.

Alex and I were going to Carrington together. He had a driver, Paul. Carrington was about 2 hours away from our houses. I had settled on skinny jeans and a long sleeved white shirt, plus a nice purple cashmere scarf. I was debating on a beanie so I put it in my pocket and planned to ask Alex later.

I brought my luggage downstairs and ate a cupcake that Angie had baked the day before. Since the time Alex had given me the purple cupcake, I smiled every time I ate a cupcake, remembering his sweet gesture and the nickname I’ve learned to love in 3 months. He has never failed to give me a cupcake almost every few weeks, and I claimed to be growing fatter because of him. He just shrugged it off.

Angie and Dad entered the kitchen and they looked at me. Tears were clouding their eyes. Angie, even though I’ve only met her and knew her for 3 months, she’s like my mother. I quickly hugged them tightly and they hugged me back.

  “We’re gonna miss you,” Angie said. “Alex too,”

  “Well, we’re going to miss you,” I said. They knew Alex and I were best friends.

  “The limo is outside,” Dad said wearily, “You don’t want to be late.”

  “Okay,” We walked to the entrance. “Goodbye guys.” I waved at them, sad inside.

Then I walked to the limo. Paul helped me put the luggage in the back and I entered the limo. Alex was there. He was wearing some jeans for a change.

  “Hey cupcake,” I smiled, “Ready for Carrington?”

  “Of course,” I said sucking in the tears that were threatening to spill. Then he pulled me into a hug.

  “I miss them too,” He said softly in my hair.

Being the best friend Alex was, he didn’t want me to wear the beanie; instead, he took it and wore it. I rolled my eyes. I ended up falling asleep on his shoulder, his arm around my waist and he rested his head on my head.


  “Cupcake, wake up,” Alex said gently, his breath tickling my ear. “Cupcake…Rose?” He rarely uses my name.

  “Y-yeah,” I said groggily.

  “We’re here,” I opened my eyes wide. I looked out the window and my jaw dropped open.

We were at the entrance of Carrington. It was big gold gates that looked magnificent. The gates opened and Paul drove in. The school was huge. It was mostly white. There was a big building in the front, a majestic waterfall in front of it. I take it this was the entrance building, or the office. Then, what lies behind this building was what we were waiting for.

We exited the car here. Alex and I both had just one big dragging luggage. We entered the building and Alex whispered to me that this was the Entrance Building. After I got what I needed, we went to our dorms. Apparently the girls’ dorms were right next to the boys’ dorms. So, when we stopped in front of the girl dorms, Alex told me the directions to my dorm, 255. He told me boys weren’t allowed in the girl dorms. Then, we said we’d meet later and parted ways.

I followed his directions. I followed the white corridor and the directions. The corridors were littered with girls. Some were walking in groups; some were just leaning against the walls. As I passed, I received stares and hushed whispers. I just ignored them and walked to my dorm.

255, the gold number shined. I knocked and then unlocked the door, just in case. Wow, the dorm was beautiful. It was huge. There was a living room in the middle, and then two doors on one side of the living room, and then the kitchen on the other side.

I dragged my stuff in and closed the door, tugging the key in my pocket. There was a window that was covered with curtains. I opened the curtains and gasped. It was a balcony but you could still see the view. My dorm was on the second floor after all. There was a field, a big field. Many buildings surrounded the giant field, including the Entrance Building. It was really big.

Suddenly, I heard the dorm door click open. I turned around immediately. There was a girl with blonde wavy hair and blue eyes, she was really pretty. She looked up and saw me and was startled but quickly regained her posture.

  “You must be the new girl, right? The school did send me a letter saying you’ll be coming…” She said, still glued to the floor.

  “Yeah, I am Rose,” We shook hands, she smiled.

  “I am Kristen, Kris if you want,” We smiled at each other. “So uh, the room on the right is yours.”

  “Thanks.” I then went to my room and gasped.

The room was huge. What kind of dorms are these? They’re absolutely huge. Well, after all, it is Carrington. I unpacked a few items before leaving the room. It was around evening now. I found Kristen at the kitchen, enjoying some cookies. Then, my stomach grumbled. I groaned. I didn’t realize I was hungry. Kristen heard.

  “Here, have some cookies,” She was sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen bar, her legs swinging back and forth. I walked over to her.

  “Thanks,” I bit the cookies. I suddenly remembered Katie’s cookies. Oh, those were good. “I didn’t realize I was that hungry.”

  “It’s okay,” She said, “I baked this myself.” She pointed to the cookies.

  “They’re wonderful,” I complimented and she grinned with her mouth still full. I laughed.

  “Today’s the first day so there are no classes. People usually meet others on the first day, feel free to walk out, meet some people.” Kris laughed. “I am going in 5 so if you go out, lock the door.” She smiled.

  “Okay,” I said. She went to her room.

After she left, I called Alex. He said he’ll meet me at the entrance of the girls’ dorms where he left me, supposing I don’t know my way anywhere. I left the room, happy that I’ll get to tour the school of my dreams with Alex.

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