Chapter 25

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Hello very beautiful people!

This is one of my favs :B

Julia :)


Chapter 25

He froze at first. But then he responded and wrapped his arms around my waist. I reluctantly pulled back. The rest must be shocked or surprised, but I didn’t care. I looked into his beautiful eyes. He was smiling.

  “They didn’t do anything to me Jake,” I assured him, “I was just joking on the phone.”

  “Why did you do that?” He said, not mad one bit.

  “Wait, you’re not mad?” I pulled away with a confused face.

  “No,” He said, “As long as you’re okay, it’s fine.”

  “Oh,” I muttered. He turned to the rogues.

  “Thanks for not abusing her,” He said. They chuckled.

Later, Jake and I left in the silver Porsche. And true to my theory, that man in his late thirties was really Robert Carrington. I explained how the rogues were misunderstood and Jake understood. But then I remembered something.

  “You know, after I was kidnapped, how did you guys react?” I asked, curious.

  “Kris thought you didn’t want to pay so you took off in Alex’s car,” Jake said. I started laughing.

  “And then?” I pressed.

  “They made silly theories until I went to check on you,” Jake said, smirking. “And I found your purse on the floor and Alex’s car good as new. Obviously, you were kidnapped. You should’ve seen their faces, they freaked.”

  “Oh gosh,” I laughed.

  “We never really told anyone, but we tried finding you.” He said, glancing at me for a moment.

We spent the whole time in the car talking, laughing and making jokes. We never had such a long conversation before but I liked it. It was nice for a change.

Jake took me out for lunch at a fancy French restaurant, ignoring my pleads to go back to Carrington to relieve my friends. I was still pleading him even when we reached the restaurant and got out of the car, much to my reluctance. He shut me up by kissing me, for the second time.

I ordered a spaghetti carbonara while he ordered lamb shank. He claimed the food here was good. The whole place seemed fancy and expensive. I feel bad, considering he was going to pay for everything.

  “So is this a good place for a first date?” Jake said when our drinks arrived.

  “This is a date?” I asked back. I slowly dragged my drink towards me.

  “Now it is,” He answered. I blushed and looked around.

  “It’s nice,” I said, sipping my drink.

  “It’s just nice?” He leaned towards me, smirking.

  “It’s classy,” I added, smiling.

  “It’s just classy?” He leaned more.

  “It’s amazing, Jake,” I said, hopefully he’ll stop it.

  “You mean, the very awesome and handsome Jake?” He said, leaning even more.

  “Yes, it’s amazing, the oh-so-very awesome and handsome Jake,” I laughed and he grinned satisfied and planted a kiss on my lips.

My heart never fails to race whenever he kissed me. I smiled against his lips. Then, he pulled away. The food here was magnificent. It was so good, compared to the Carrington cooks.

By the time we were done, it was evening. And by the time we reached Carrington, it was nightfall. All the way to where the girls’ dorm was, he snaked his arm around my waist. He kissed me good night and we went to our dorms.

I paused in front of my door.

I nearly forgotten that Kris thinks I am kidnapped. It’d be weird if I just waltz in the dorm like nothing had happened at all. It was still early night, Kris should be awake. It was Wednesday, Girl’s Night.

I knocked on the door gently. I heard some footsteps and the door creaked open. Kris was there, her hair down, this time in big curls, in a tank top and baggy pants. One of her hand held a bowl of popcorn. Her eyes widened when she saw me. Then, she squinted her eyes, as though not believing I am here.

  “Rose?” She said in disbelief.

  “Yeah, hi Kris,” I said, smiling slightly. “I am back.”

  “Wait,” She went and put the popcorn away and came back. “I don’t believe you’re Rose.”

  “I am!” My heart dropped. But I don’t blame her.

  “Prove it.” She crossed her arms.

  “Mm…” I murmured, “You’re a vampire.”

  “Oh, you’re definitely Rose,” Kris said before engulfing me into a bone-crushing hug. I returned her hug. “Oh I was so worried! Jake shouldn’t have let you go alone!”

  “It’s okay Kris,” I said when she loosened her grip. “I am right here, aren’t I?”

  “Yes,” We looked at each other, “Oh come in! Nikki’s here by the way, I couldn’t spend Girl’s Night alone.”

  “Right,” I laughed.

I explained to both of them. Nikki engulfed me in another air-supply-cutting hug when I barely even recovered from Kris’s when she saw me. Best friends ever.

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