Chapter 9

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Hey guys!

The days I upload are going to be Monday, Wednesday and Sunday/Saturday. Just so you know :D 


Julia :)


Chapter 9

  “Hold still, Rose!” It was one about half an hour before 8; the time I had to meet Ash. Kris was doing my curls, with care. We were almost done. She had done my make-up. I just had to slip on the dress. “Ok here, wear your dress!”

  “How can I wear my dress if you’re blindfolding me?” I retorted. She had been blindfolding me the whole time. Why? I don’t know.

  “I’ll help you, silly. Quick!” I could hear her unzipping the dress. I slowly stepped into it and pulled it up. Kris zipped it immediately.

Then, I felt my blindfold go off. I blinked my eyes a few times. I looked at the mirror in front of me and I gasped. The girl in front of me had big curls cascading down her back. The girl in the mirror was beautiful.

  “Thank you, Kris,” I turned back to the squealing girl.

  “You’re beautiful! Now, go! You can borrow my white pumps, they’re by the door. Have fun!” Typical Kris, always happy.


I was at the entrance of the girls’ dorm. I was clutching my purple purse, looking around. I was 5 minutes early anyway. Then, from the direction of the boys’ dorm, I saw a black figure approaching me. As it got closer, I recognized it as Ash. I smiled. He came over to me and his eyes raked my body appreciatively.

  “You look stunning.” He said as he slid on hand around my waist as we walked to the cafeteria.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” I said, but that was the understatement of the year. He looked very handsome. He was wearing a tux.

When we reached the Western restaurant, the waitress led us to a table that was next to the huge window that had a beautiful mountain scenery. It wasn’t in Carrington, it was outside of Carrington. It was breath-taking. Ash sure knew how to set a perfect date.

Being the gentleman he was, he pulled out my chair for me. I ordered a spaghetti carbonara while he ordered beef lasagna. We engaged in a casual conversation, getting to know each other. Then, our food came. Wow, the food no doubt was delicious.

I had been so charmed by Ash I didn’t even notice Jake sitting with an unknown boy at the other side of the restaurant. What was he doing there? I just shrugged it off. This was the school area anyway, anyone could be here.

Later, Ash walked me back to the girls’ dorm. When we reached there, he pulled out a maroon velvety rectangular box from his pocket and gave it to me. When I opened it, I gasped. He was too sweet.

Inside the box was a white gold necklace. The pendant was a heart that was encrusted with diamonds. It was sparkling. It was beautiful, yet it seemed expensive.

  “Oh it’s beautiful, Ash! Thank you but you didn’t have to,” I said, touching the diamond pendant that was smooth to touch.

  “It’s nothing,” He said, “Here, let me wear it for you.”

He took the necklace from the box and went behind me. The necklace felt cool around my neck. When he was done, he went back to face me, looking at the necklace, proudly.

  “It suits you.” He simply said.

Then, he started to lean in. My heartbeat increased a million times faster. His lips were soft against mine. His hands were wrapped around my waist. I kissed back. But the moment was ruined when we heard a gasp come from the girls’ dorm. We broke apart and looked to the person who gasped.

It was Kris. She stood there, in shorts and a loose tank top, her hair in a ponytail. She was smiling. Smiling! It took 3 minutes of awkward silence before she realized what she did.

  “I am so sorry! I was going to go to the library because I was bored…” She looked away and then looked back. “But its okay…I am going back to my room now.” Then she ran off.

Ash looked back to me and then we both smiled. He then pecked me on my lips.

  “Goodbye Rose, our next date waits,” He said grinning cheekily.

I went back to my dorm grinning like an idiot. He was too sweet. But now, I have to face the billion questions Kris was going to ask me. Wish me luck.

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