Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I was at the library, holding the second book of the Hunger Games Trilogy. I was still stuck on the first page for the past half hour. I wasn’t even reading, no matter how much I loved the book. My mind was too busy thinking about something else.

Ash was supposed to meet me in half an hour. But I came an hour early. My mind wasn’t at peace. I was too busy thinking about what I was going to say to Ash. The words on the book in front of me didn’t go through my mind.

Today was the day. I was going to tell him that he should go back to Anna, where he’d be happy, I think. I couldn’t keep it to myself, though. I didn’t know who Anna was. So, I asked Kris. True enough, Anna was Ash’s ex. They broke up not too long ago.

I guess I was too lost in my thoughts I didn’t realize Ash entering the majestic library.

  “Hey,” Ash said, looking as cute as ever, taking a seat on the fluffy chair in front of me, but kissing me on my cheek before.

  “H-hey,” I looked up, alarmed, and set my book down on my lap. “You’re early,”

  “Well yeah, I came 15 minutes early because I wanted to check out some books.” Ash said casually, ruffling his hair.

  “Mm,” I nodded then I remembered what I needed to say to him. “Ash…I-uh-I, I mean, um…” I stuttered miserably.

  “What is it? Is something wrong?” Ash chuckled, his voice husky.

  “Um…I- I overheard you that day,” I said, mustering all my courage.

  “Oh.” He froze. “I didn’t k-know you were there.”

  “I was just passing by.” I said, now gaining more confidence, “Ash, we should e-end this thing we have.”

  “Rose, Anna doesn’t have anything to do with this, please.” Ash said.

  “No, Ash, I know, it’s okay, go back to Anna,” I pleaded.

  “Why are you doing this?” Ash asked, regret flashing through his eyes.

  “I just want you to be happy, Ash,” I placed a light kiss on his lips. “If you want me to be happy too, go back to Anna.”

  “O-Ok,” He fell back into his chair.

  “Bye Ash, see you around,” I said, getting up and placing my book back on the shelf nearby, “I hope we still stay friends.”

  “Yeah, wait,” He got up and went to me. Then, he kissed me deeply. “I just wanted to do that one last time. Bye.”

I walked out of the library as normal as I could. When I finally reached my dorm, I went to my room, locked the door shut and let the tears flow.


Even though I managed to clear any signs of crying or sadness, the tension between Ash and I was noticeable. Everyone noticed, much to my displeasure.

  “Hey, what’s going on between you guys?” Kris nudged me in the ribs, I cringed, vampire strength.

  “N-nothing, I’ll tell you when we get back,” I whispered back.

  “Hey guys, let’s go for a camping trip!” Chase suddenly said. But it wasn’t to clear up the tension or distract everyone. “Actually, I’ve been planning it for a while now.” He said enthusiastically.

  “Camp where?” Alex asked, arms crossed, leaning back on his chair, obviously keen.

  “On campus, of course,” Chase snorted, “There’s forest area in Carrington too, nearby Jake’s house. I went exploring a few weeks ago and I found a good place.” He shrugged.

  “You were wandering around campus without permission?” Nikki said, annoyed.

  “Yeah, well I couldn’t tell you because you might have told Rose and she would’ve interrogated me so I couldn’t tell anyone.” Chase said, earning a glare from Nikki.

  “I am not mad because of that, C, I am just mad you didn’t bring me along is all.” Nikki said, twirling the straw of her drink.

  Chase laughed, “Right, Nic,”

  “When are you planning to go?” I asked.

  “Next next week,” Chase said. “Gosh guys, don’t look so constipated, I’ve asked Mr. Carrington for permission.”

  “How long did you take to persuade him to allow you?” Jake snorted.

  “My reasons were reasonable.” Chase stated.

  “And what magical reason did you give?” Alex shot.

  “It’s not like I am going to tell you guys!” Chase huffed.

  “Tell us or we won’t go.” Kris said in a sing-song voice, smirking.

  Chase eyed us. We were staring at him impatiently. When he realized we were serious, he gave in. “Fine fine, I said it was my birthday and we’d do all the work.”

  “Right, it is your birthday in a few weeks…”Nikki sighed.

  “I still don’t believe you, Redford, my father isn’t the type to give in so easily with that a simple reason,” Jake said, arms crossed.

  “Ok ok fine,” Chase put his hands up as though surrendering, “I told him that and asked my dad to persuade him. And magically, it worked!” Chase grinned.

  “How long is the trip?” Ash asked.

  “A week, 5 days,” Chase said, and then his lips curved into a smirk, “Unless you want longer.”

  “No way, the last time I stayed with Chase, I could barely sleep.” Alex said loudly immediately, “That’s why I am only coming if I am not sharing tents with you.”

  “Sounds fine,” Chase chuckled. “You guys can pick. One person will be the odd one out so one tent will have three.”

  “There are three girls, we can share a tent.” I stated, and panic arose among the boys.

  “Then who’s sharing the tent with Chase?” Alex said, fear crossed his handsome face, his words coming out in a whisper.

  “Rock it off,” Kris suggested, “Be a man.” That seemed to put eager in them. They sat up straight.

The first one who won was Jake, who smirked in triumph. I scoffed. Then, it was left to Ash and Alex, Alex whom seemed to be sweating, somehow. Was it that bad? Sleeping in the same tent with Chase?

Scissors…paper…stone. Everyone was anxious. The results were right in front of us. No one just wanted to say anything. Finally, Kris burst out laughing loudly. Nikki was biting her lip, trying to be polite and not laugh. Jake was smirking. Ash and Alex set their hands down, Ash sighing loudly in relief, Alex still frozen in place, perhaps recalling his past horrors.

Then, everyone started laughing, Chase the loudest.

  “I don’t know about you guys, but now I am even more psyched about this camping trip.” Chase snorted.

  “Oh shut up, Redford.” Alex groaned and put his forehead on the table.

  “Save it, Kingsley,” Chase patted Alex’s back while laughing.

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