Chapter 7

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Hey guys!

So 2011 is coming to an end, FAST! Make sure you do the countdown! ;) 

Oh and, comment too :3

Julia ;) 


My alarm clock ringed and I lazily hit the snooze button. I stirred and noticed the bright sunlight spilling out of the silky two-layered curtains. I woke up and entered my bathroom to wash up.

After picking out some skinny jeans, a flare brown top and brown boots, I put my phone in my pocket, grabbed my bag and headed to the kitchen. After drinking some hot chocolate that I made with some mix I found in the kitchen, I headed out. I hadn’t spotted Kristen, so I guessed she was still asleep. But before that, I left a note on the kitchen counter telling her I am going out.

Then my phone buzzed. It was a message. It read, ‘Meet me at the Western restaurant. Up for some fresh scrambled eggs, milady? A.’ I laughed. Now I knew where I was headed. I smiled.

On the way there, everyone kept looking at me, this time, nudging their friends to look at me too. They were a little louder at their whispers now, so I heard some. “That’s the girl Alex was with!” “I heard they’re together.” “What a bitch.”

I shrugged them off. They don’t know me.

Once I reached the Western cuisine restaurant, I realized it wasn’t just going to be me and Alex. Chase and Jake were there too. They’re plates were loaded with food. I guess I was late.

I pulled out the only chair available on their occupied square table. Unfortunately, it was facing Jake. I guess luck wasn’t on my side today. Alex noticed me and grinned.

  “Morning, cupcake,” He ruffled my hair, making it messy. I groaned.

  “Morning, idiot,” I smiled innocently and ruffled his beloved hair. He laughed. I turned to Chase and Jake, “Morning, guys.”

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” Chase said, smirking. I blushed and left to get some food.

It was like choosing from Angie’s kitchen all over again. The variety was terrifyingly vast. I settled on some toast, scrambled eggs, bacon and fresh orange juice. Then, I sat down on our table. I moaned when I took the first bite of bacon. It was delicious.

  “Oh the food’s really good.” I said.

  “Oh yes, Jake’s father employed the best chefs from all over the world.” Chase said with his mouth stuffed with food.

  “Jake’s father…?” I asked. What?

  “Jake’s father is the founder and headmaster of Carrington,” Alex said like it was simply normal. Oh.

  “Oh.” I answered. I didn’t know what else to say.

  “You’re really stupid, Rose.” Jake said after I don’t know how long of his silence.

  “So you only talk when you insult people?” I shot back.

  “More or less,” He replied coolly. I rolled my eyes.

  “Relax cupcake,” Alex soothed.

  “Can I call you cupcake?” Chase asked softly.

  “N-no,” I said, shocked. Then he pulled the puppy dog faced that was so cute I’d be stupid not to give in. “Oh, okay f-fine.”

  “Yes! The puppy dog face always works!” Chase smirked triumphantly. I scoffed.


I found myself in my first class, Science. The teacher had made me introduce myself in front of the whole class. I found Kristen in this class, thankfully. I ran to seat next to her. But, Jake also has Science. God, luck really hates me now, doesn’t it?

Kristen took no delay in shooting me 101 questions. Apparently, there are rumors that I am Alex’s new girlfriend. What? No way, Alex was my best friend. Kris seemed satisfied with my honest answer. Well, she shot more.

  “So this morning I heard you were sitting with them…” Kris said, her body tiled sideways to face me, arms crossed.

  “Alex sits with them, so I sit with them.” I said simply, taking out my pen and playing with it.

  “You do know that Chase, Jake and Alex are the most popular people in school, right?” She paused as I nodded, “And Jake’s father is Mr. Carrington, the founder and headmaster?”

  “Yes, I do know, Kris.” I sighed and nodded.

  “Good,” Kris said, “There have been a lot of nasty rumors going around. Some people aren’t happy that you’re with them.”

  “Yeah I’ve heard. It’s pretty obvious the way they look at me when I walk around.” I thought for a moment, “Well, I am new anyways, this is your place. I have no intention of sabotaging.” I raised my hands in the air to surrender. Kris laughed.

  “It’s okay. I’ve got your back.” Kris said happily. “I won’t let them mess with my new best friend.”

Science passed by quickly. Kris claimed to be in a rush to her next class so she left. I walked out casually before knocking into someone at a junction. I fell down on my butt and all my books fell out from my hands. I looked up to see who I rammed into, ready to curse and swear. There stood a cute blonde haired boy that looked at me before bending down and helping me to pick up my stuff.

  “I am so sorry, I didn’t see you there.” I apologized sincerely.

  “It’s okay. I sorry I didn’t see you neither,” We laughed. He gave me back my remaining books and we stood up. “I am Ash by the way.”

  “I am Rose, nice to meet you.” I said nicely. “See you around, I’ve gotta get to class.”

  “See you around, Rose.” He winked at me before we both left.

Is it just me, or was Ash really cute? 

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