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Mer woke up slowly, she sat up in the bed and rubbed her eyes. Today was a big day, it has been four months since she was staying here with everyone. But today she was going to find the answers, she was going to find who she was before she ended in the Xavier's garden.

She stood up and made her way to the bathroom, after taking a shower she dried her hair and curled them in soft curls. She put on her underwear, a pair of shorts and a black t-shirt. She looked herself in the mirror and smiled, she looked beautiful and for the first time she believed so too. She took a deep breath and exited her room as she made her way to Charles's office

She knocked on the door gently before she opened to find Charles reading a book. The moment she entered he looked at her and grinned widely, he was stunned by her beauty as always and smiled. He was handsome too in his blue shirt and black pants, he set his book aside as she sat opposite him. After they stared into each others eyes for some moments which felt like centuries she finally spoke

"I came here for my memories, you know. The once you can give me back" she said softly and smiled. She really Warne her memory back but was afraid at the same time, then she thought that if your choices don't scare you they won't change you. So she would risk it, she was ready about it.

"Okey, I will help you. But once you have them you can't wip them unless you so much want to" he said gently and put two fingers to his temple "ready?" He whispered and took a breath as she nodded.

He closed his eyes and reached her mind gently to not hurt her, once he was in he searched for the part that was holding the eternal memories in the back of her head. He smiling when he saw the first time she used her powers, he then saw Loki. He was everywhere, in her memories and especially the ones from her childhood. He felt hurt when he saw the first time she knew she loved him, the way she used to look at Loki was so different than any other gaze he had ever seen. It was pure love, or wasn't it? When he exited her mind and she got her memories back he found her crying

"Hey, Mer love. It's okey, it will be okey. I will help you however I can I promise" he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back. She loved her so much, maybe too much. But she as just too perfect to not to, in his eyes.

"They are dead....my parents, my people will get killed by the same murderers...I can't let this happen, I need to go back and warn them. Charles we need to go back" she said and held his hands in hers, she felt weird learning about her past. The fact that she was in love with Loki? Can you love two people at the same time then? No, should she choose Loki? But what she felt for Charles was too strong to ignore. She felt many things for Charles but then again Loki was her best friend and first love.

"I know you need to, but I don't know how you will" he said gently and held her hands, only for that moment she was only his. No Loki, no Asgard. Nothing that could separate them now.

"We will go back, you are coming with me. I want to come back here, Charles. I like it here, can I return" she asked smiling softly, she wanted Charles with her as he was her almost everything now. She wanted to come back here too though because of her friends and the wonderful life Charles offered her, but then again Asgard was her home and Loki was her almost everything there too

"Okey, love. We will go, together. And of course you can, I wouldn't expect it any other way" he said smiling softly as their faces were inces apart. He looked at her lip, he wanted to kiss her badly. He leaned and pressed his forehead against hers, he rested his lips just so they were incredibly close but weren't touching

"Charles....just kiss me" she whispered and lressed her lips against his softly. She needed that kiss a lot, because after all she might love Loki but none said that there are rules in love. She loved Charles too a lot, so even if they were she was going to break them

Hello my lovable readers! How are you doing? I love you all a lot! Which ship do you ship more? Please comment your opinion because I need it do my next chapters. So this book will have nine or ten more chapters and it will end so would any of you like a sequel or maybe a prequel? Don'tforget to vote and comment, I live to hear your opinion or generally anything!!! Until next chapter!

In A Million Times| Marvel fanfic (Rewritten) Where stories live. Discover now