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One month, that was how much Mer has been staying at the Xavier's mansion. She had met Raven, which was like her sister now as she was the only girl there. She had met Erik, he was nice the most of the time with her and she had her way with him. She had also met Hank, Alex, Sean and Darwin. All of them amazing people who greeted her like she was already a part of the family, she couldn't be more thankful to them but she was especially thankful to Charles who took care of her, helped her with everything she needed, the time he spend with her and the fact he was so caring and loving with her.

They acted like they have been friends for years, it was in his nature to be kind and caring and in hers to be understanding and compassionate. Some would say that their friendship were friendly at all as they had fallen slowly for each other, but something was troubling Mer and he could see it in her eyes every time he looked at her. Some days even more, it was like a life ghosting her, maybe her past life was. But today that was very clear, more than in the natural other days

"Good morning, love. How are you feeling today?" Charles asked as he got in the kitchen only to find her alone, he knew Raven would go with Sean, Alex and Erik at a park for a one-day trip. They had offered to take them too but he and Mer refused as did Hank, he found her drinking her coffee slowly as she stared at the open window

"Good morning, um yeah fine just....you know I had a weird dream" she said and turned her gaze to him as she offered him a small smile, he always managed to make her open up to him quickly about anything. He was like a challenge to her she had accepted without knowing but enjoying it more than she should, she had feelings for him that one month she was here and it scared her if he was ever about to find out, she thought he would hate her or never like her back and their friendship would end like that.

"Really, you can tell me if you want. When you share things it help the most of the time" he said softly as he was opposite her with a cup of tea in his hands. He looked into her beautiful brown eyes, for it was like abysses he could find himself with lost in them. He could stare at them for the rest of his life and falling into their darkness and mystery, he loved her, he truly did but sometimes that just wasn't enough for her.

"I know I can, Charles. Thank you....I was at a room, it was crowded and I was wearing the dress you found me wearing that day, I was quite beautiful I can say....then I got out to a balcony, when I got back in though the room had changed. People were screaming and other people were killing or getting killed, I ran to a man's side, he must have been my father and when I got close he got killed. I turned around then only to find my mother's dead body near me..... I followed someone and got out of the room, then I woke up. I know, you will say it was a nightmare but Charles.....when I woke up, I remembered what happened after it, and....parts and pieces from before" she said and looked into his eyes, those eyes which got her from the very first moment. Those eyes she could just stare and do nothing else, those eyes she had fallen for. She blushed and smiled a little as she took another sip from her coffee.

"Oh....it could have been a memory then, it's very possible and I think in that case it is true.... I am sorry though, about your parents" he said gently and reached for her one hand as he took it into his. He smiled as he looked into her eyes, she always seemed so kind and loving he couldn't help but fall for her the question was now if she was completely in love with him or something else would get in their way

"I know.... I believe the same too, Charles. I think that's a memory and I believe it's the very last one, and it's okey you couldn't have done anything as neither would I" she said smiling as he felt his warm hand around her cold one, she felt safe and loved around Charles.

She felt important and needed around him and it was a foreign feeling for her, she knew she was in love with him but after that dream....the voice she heard, the name she remembered whispering before passing out....Loki, a name, a face, but....what more? She couldn't remember but at the same time she couldn't forget. She just smiled at Charles, maybe the name Loki was familiar but the name Charles was the one which caused butterflies in her stomach that moment

Hello my lovable readers! First of all thank you all a LOT! This book has more than 150 reads which means you are AMAZING! Not only for that though, so what do you think Mer will do huh? Don't forget to vote and comment, I always love to hear your opinion about everything. I love you all, next chapter coming!

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