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Charles was confused, this was a whole new world to him and the information were more than he thought. He wanted to learn everything though, as he did in earth too. Well, he didn't know everything but by being a telepath meant he knew many more things than an average guy his age. He sat opposite from Loki and waited to hear the story, legend everyone was talking about. But for him even if Loki told him terrible things about Mer, his love and the way he sees her would never change.

"Everything starts a long time ago, when Asgard was only a big mountain and sun. There was nothing here except day, night and stars. No life, nothing. That was until four people with extraordinary abilities came, the four elements. The first one was earth, she was sweet, caring and kind. She grew every plant on Asgard and gave it life as the nature created. Then there was air, he was strong, unpredictable but still kind, he was the reason why the plants and the whole Asgard maintained to life. Then there was water, he was kind, soft, caring but could be bring destruction very easily. Water created the seas and lakes and rivers to make Asgard's climate more bearable and the terrain more soft, more livable. Then for last, but definitely not least there was fire, she was strong and warm but the same time untouchable. None could ever control her, she was guided by the wind and calmed by the water. Even though she and earth were friends she was deadly for earth, after they discovered it....their friendship turned into hate. Earth started to hate fire, she thought that fire wanted to harm her on purpose which was wrong. After that...air took earth side, as did water. But the story with water and fire is a whole different subject....after that, fire left. She was broken, betrayed and sad. She was angry too though, the nature circle couldn't continue without her but she wanted to leave....so she became the sun, a giant star in the universe. She let all her power come out and that's what she became, the fact was that....she left and that caused trouble, that's how the legend created. All this story is a myth but it's connected with the legend, Mer's legend says that the one with the power of all the four elements will become like the sun. Metaphorically of course, her personality will change and she will become what they call 'beautiful to see but deadly to touch'.....she is changing Charles....she becomes exactly that, now all that is left is to take the crowd and become the queen....she won't leave long though....if the legend is true then at her eighteenth birthday her powers will kill her....'air puts out fire and water draughts earth, then water gets vanished by air and air lies numb from life'....that's how it explains what will happen to Mer" he said and sighed, he knew that the time they had with Mer was limited, not to say nonexistent.

"So her powers will kill her from the inside, until she lays dead? No....no, Loki this can't happen.....there must be something we can do..." He said desperately, if it was for the sake of Mer then he and Loki would even cooperate to help her. He didn't want to loose her. He just couldn't, he loved her too much to let anyone or anything take her like that. Because what worse than lose your love to someone else? Oh yeah, to watch your love losing themselves before their life

Hello my beautiful readers!!! I missed you!!! I know this chapter took a little long to update but I really hope the story of the legend makes sense, I liked it and I hope you do too!!! Also....what do you think about the fact Charles and Loki are willing to cooperate to save Mer, and can they really save her? Also.....this book will end in nine or so chapters so I was wondering if you would like a sequel or maybe a prequel (I still don't know what the prequel could be for, any ideas?) Love you all my wonderful readers!!! I hope you have a good day, and if you don't just remember that better days are coming soon. Because before the rainbow you have to deal with the rain first (this became a little philosophical.....lol!) See you soon guys!!!! Don't forget to vote and comment

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