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Five days

Five days, five days were left for Mer. She was lying on her bed thinking, Charles was gone, Loki was in a mission with Emma, one of the new warriors a friend of Mer's and she was alone in the room thinking about how many things she hadn't done yet. She made mistakes for sure, maybe sleeping with Charles some days ago wasn't the wisest choice as Loki had learnt about it. Was she sad? No. Was she angry? No. She was just numb, she couldn't really feel now, she tried hard to do so, but it was all because of the curse and she knew it. The only question now is that what will happen in the next five days

She sighed and stood up, she walked to the window and saw the sun of Asgard. She looked at it for awhile before she decided she didn't really like the fact that Asgard never had winter, or even snow at all. She smirked to herself and got in her balcony, closing her eyes she focused on the water in the atmosphere and the water in the whole Asgard. She could feel it float around her, then she focused a little more and she could feel it freezing around her. She opened her eyes and the view pleased her, snow all around, frozen lakes and cold. Then the once gentle breeze there was in Asgard was now a violent hurricane, representing the way she felt. Shut down yet so alive, a million of emotions very in her heart. Emotions a person wouldn't feel in a million times

When she was pleased the chaos she had created she got in her room, changing quickly in a long pale pink with silver details dress and putting her tiara on she made her way to the throne room.  Making all the door bursting open in her way with her powers. Many tried to stop her, maids, soldiers and knights, even Thor himself but it was not possible. Her powers were rising and anyone who tried to get in her way ended up hurt.

The throne room doors opened when she moved her hand a little as a strong wind blew towards them, she walked inside with her chin up smirking. She could tell that Odin was mad, no he was probably angry and scared. She stood in front of the throne ignoring the soldiers who tried to attack her, she rolled her eyes and moved her fingers a little making roots grown from the floor wrapping around every soldier who moved

"What are you doing Mer?!" Odin asked and stood up, he glared at her angry yet scared when he saw what she did to his army. He looked around the room and called for more soldiers but none came, he looked at her again. How could she be so calm yet so powerful

"Claiming what is mine Odin, now I believe in case you don't want every single one of your soldiers dead and your army gone. Give me the throne, I will take it with either you giving it to me or not" she said calmly yet being sure for every one of her words, she heard him laugh and she sighed

"Do you think you can threat me dear? You will never take the throne!" He said firmly and looked at her, her once warm and gentle eyes now cold and empty from all emotion

"Very well then, I told you I will take the throne!" She said raising her voice slightly, she closed her eyes and raised her hands as the room started freezing and a strong wind hit Odin throwing him in the other end of the room. She smirked and climbed up the stairs, when she got to the throne and sat down the ceiling light in fire and the ice melt. Odin was unconscious in the floor and the soldiers still trapped in the strong roots, she looked out of the window and saw the winter.

She looked straight ahead as the throne room's doors opened with a flick of her fingers, she freed a soldier from the roots and looked at him "let the whole Asgard know who is the queen now, let the army know who rules, inform Charles who is on earth and bring back the seven warriors from the battle. I rule now!" She said coldly and smirked to herself

What she did not know was that Charles would come back for her from earth, he loved her with all his heart even though she probably couldn't love him any more and that Loki had canceled the battle to come back to her and apologize for not being by her side in her last days. She didn't know everything, after all how could she? She wasn't not God, even though she seemed like a goddess

Hello my lovely readers!! How are you guys? So...what do you think for badass Mer? Also....there will be a sequel!!!! Yay!!! Please don't forget to vote and comment you opinions, you have no idea how much I love to hear from you guys and what you think of the story! (Don't worry, Mer won't turn evil forever....in case you want her to ;). Love you all!!!

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