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3 days

Mer woke up the next day and stared on the ceiling thinking, she wondered if Charles would come back, if Loki would come from the battlefield before.....before it was too late, before she dies. She sighed and rubbed her eyes, she got up and took a nice dark red dress with some gold details. When she was done with her shower and dressing she took her tiara and put it on, she looked herself in the mirror and smiled widely.

She got in the throne room before the guards who were following her everywhere around the palace the last two days, the new queen. She sat on the throne and looked out of the window, the winter was there, even worse than yesterday but she just smirked. With her chin up she lifted her left hand slightly and fire light around as light, making her smirk grow wider. She was the queen that was her kingdom, oh and god give mercy to anybody who would try to change that.

It was afternoon when the doors of the Thorne room burst open and Mer frowned slightly, she stood up and looked at the person who dared to come in like that and ruin her peace. She smirked and let a really quiet chuckle, she sat down on her throne again and lifted her chin up proudly

Loki got inside, he was angry, he was confused, he was sad but he most of them all he was sorry. He was sorry for leaving her and she could see it in his eyes, he looked weak. And the God of Mischief never looks like that....maybe he looks strong but maybe, maybe she is just stronger.

"Mer..." he said softly, his voice echoing in the almost empty room, except him, Mer, Emma and some soldiers the room looked empty. It looked dead....not as it once was, he didn't even know if it would ever be the same again

"Loki" she whispered, hurt and obviously sad for what had happened....but no she didn't hate him, she couldn't. "The big God of Mischief..." she said with a smirk ghosting on her lips as she walked slowly towards him "see what I have become....see what Asgard has become love?" She whispered and placed a finger under his Chin before she chuckled and stormed towards the nearest window

"It's your fault! Yours and Charles's! See the results...? Fancy them!? Or is it.....madness....?" She whispered the last part still smirking before she let out a distant, cold and almost evil chuckle out. Her eyes fixed on his, waiting for his reaction, his disappointment.

"Don't make me fight you Mer, that's my last warning" he said softly looking into his lover's eyes, into the eyes he once stared and relaxed and felt safe. Now he felt insecure and scared looking into her eyes, like someone had took her soul away and replaced his sweet Mer with that....whatever she was

"Oh honey, I would love to even see you try" she said smirking as she walked towards him proudly, she was a proud girl. Only eighteen yet with a fire inside her that couldn't die, that she would never let to die. Taking his chin between her fingers, smirking, she held him and then used her air powers to throw him on the other side of the room "don't make me, fight you" she warned before she returned to her throne and sat down with the same way she always did, with her head up

Loki fell on the wall and looked at her, at the girl he loved. He didn't recognize her anymore "before yo start a war, you better know what you are fighting for Mer" he groaned and stood up weakly, he saw some blood on his chin but didn't paid much attention. The God of Mischief made his way to the doors and opened them without much effort, when he exited the room the doors shut behind him reminding Mer what Loki was. That he was a God who demanded respect and had power which he was going to show to her if needed.

Charles had arrived to Asgard but what he found there wasn't what he expected, the once sunny and full of life Asgard was now....lifeless and cold, snow was everywhere and  it was obvious that there was a snowstorm coming again. After some minutes, he managed to get to the palace. But what he found there didn't please him either, he heard from some guards that Mer was the queen now. He heard that she had changed, that she was heartless and cold now. He didn't want to believe that until he got to the throne room, what he found there shocked him and not in a good way.

"Mer....?" He asked softly as his eyes reached hers, now staring at the new queen, the young girl, the disaster of Asgard. He felt hopeless, for the first time in his life, Charles Xavier felt hopeless. Not for himself, not for the kingdom, but for her. The girl he had so insanely fallen in love with. She was now someone one, no....she was something else

"Oh.....Charlie" she said in a mocking tone as her eyes got darker, the heartbreak and every feeling came rushing back to her heart and all she did was to title her head slightly and smirked. No, this was her game and she made the rules.

Hello my beautiful readers!!! Happy New Year!!!!! I missed you all, also I am so sorry guys I haven't updated for like....a lifetime. But many things happened in my life the last month and I had to sort things out before I could write again, but now I am back....so...how do you feel about the last chapters? Do you like how things have turned out? Do you think you know how this will end or not? Love you all guys!!!!! Have a great day!! Or night

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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