Chapter Twenty-Nine: Testimonial

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I had to go to the trial against my father to testify against him.  Even though I knew it was the right thing to do, I was frightened.  I didn't want to relive all that had happened to me in front of at least fifty people.  However, I knew that if I didn't go, my father could be released.  He would come after me again, and he would hurt others in the process too.  

A few hours before the trial, John found me hiding in a church.  It wasn't the church that my father once preached at; I could no longer bring myself to step through those doors.   This was one that Alta and Sean went to often.  There were few people there that day.  There was an old man kneeling in the pew opposite the one I was occupying, murmuring a prayer.  A middle-aged woman sat in the first pew and stared at the alter, saying nothing.  I was more like the woman in that situation.  I came to the church to think more than anything.  Churches were always quiet and dimly lit, which, to me, set the perfect ambiance for pondering.  I once read in a book that people used to hide in churches for sanctuary.  I supposed that was what I was doing then.  In that church, I felt very safe.  

 A hand on my shoulder snapped me out of thoughts.  John sat down next to me.  "I went to your house, and Alta sent me to find you.  Mimi is talking to her now.  Since I'm testifying too, she wanted to support me.  I think she's hoping that this is the only time I'll ever be in a court room," John whispered.  He took my hand.  "We should go.  Are you ready?"


"I'm sure that it will turn out fine, Ariel.  Alta and I will be there," He added in a lower tone, "Besides, I'm certain the jury is partial towards you."

I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if they were against me.

Sean was wondering what was going on as everyone was hurrying about.  Alta didn't want him to come to the trial.  He didn't quite understand what happened to me.  Alta and I both knew that if I was to get upset on the witness stand, Sean would react badly.  

I was afraid of how I'd react once I saw my father again.


To be quite honest, the trial was a bit of a blur.  I couldn't remember any of the testimonials or evidence before I was called to the witness stand.  Then everything snapped back into focus.  The attorney's voice cut the air like a knife.  "Ms. Elisen?  Am I correct in saying that you are the daughter of the defendant Mr. Elisen?"

"I am."  I folded my hands beneath the scarf in my lap.  They were trembling.

The attorney paced.  "Can you describe what happened the day of the incident in question?"

All eyes in the room were locked on me, including my father's.  He looked ill.  He was very pale and had lost weight.  And when he met my eyes, I saw that his were filled with pure hatred.  He would tear me to pieces if he got the chance.  I had to look away.  

"I was walking home from my boyfriend John Lennon's house with him.  When we arrived at my house, my father opened the door.  His eyes were...bloodshot, and I was afraid, so I held onto John's arm.  My father grabbed one of my arms, but John held the other.  When my father said to let go, John didn't.  Because neighbors were watching, we walked into the house.  My father...then began to choke me.  He pushed me to the ground and struggled with John to tie him up.  My father forcibly led us down to our basement..."  My voice broke, and I started breathing heavily.  My father smiled.  John squirmed in his seat, wanting to help but knowing he couldn't.  

The lawyer didn't seem fazed that I was struggling.  "Ms. Elisen, can you continue?"

"...yes," I said weakly.  "My father tied me to one of the basement chairs before tying John's legs.  My father said that he owned me and that John had tainted me.  He said he wanted to make an example of me.  He took out a knife and cut open my shirt and in the process cut my skin.  He fondled my chest and then..."

"And then what?"

"My father assaulted me.  He was smiling the entire time.  He claimed that he was taking what was left of my innocence.  Afterwards, he left us in the basement.  I was covered in my own blood.  I was too afraid to let John touch me.  But that night, or maybe it was the next day, while I slept, John was able to lift me out of one of the windows and we escaped.  He took me to his house, and from there I was taken to the hospital."

They had several more questions for me, but I can't remember what they were.  The tiniest sigh of relief escaped my lips when the attorney said, "No more further questions."

When court was adjourned, we went home immediately.  Mimi and Alta made small talk as they waited for John and me to say our goodbyes for the night.  I embraced him quickly as soon as we were out of sight.  We surprised each other by saying at the same time, "That was so scary."

"Are you alright?" 

I nodded.  "And you?"

"Yeah.  That lawyer was intense though.  I was more concerned for you than myself."

"I think the hard part is over...and I think everything will be fine."


Freddy, Ella, and Robby had offered to come to the trial, but I told them I would rather minimize the amount of people there.  They understood completely.  I had visited Freddy before dinner when I was walking home and stopped on the sidewalk.  Wherever I looked, I saw my father standing there.  He was seething with rage.  Whenever I turned, he got closer.  I leaned against a shop window and closed my eyes.  

I shouldn't be afraid of you.

You can't hurt me anymore.

You're going to get locked up.  

You should be afraid of me.

When I opened my eyes again, he was no more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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