Aspenmist sat quietly. She lapped at the river. The water was told to purify the spirit of whatever cat drank it. This river ran into DarkClan, too. But, once it was closed off by the brambles, the water became corrupted. She stood up and licked her lips.
"Aspenmist!!" Lionbriar came running. He had urgency in his tone, and eyes.
"What is it?" Aspenmist demanded.
"The future, it's changing!! Songbird's giving birth early!!"
"What!?" Aspenmist demanded.
"Take me there, now!" Lionbrair nodded and ran to the pool, Aspenmist hard on his paws. She peered into the water. She saw that the future was changing- and then she realized.. The pool edges were tinted with red and black.
"There's a corrupt spirit in StarClan. We must tell Silverwhisper." Lionbrair nodded and they ran out of the cave together.
They finally got to Silverwhisper.
"Silverwhisper! There's a corrupt spirit in Star-" Silverwhisper nodded.
"I know. They tore through the brambles, somehow. But for some reason, they seemed to do it somewhere where the other cats couldn't see them." Aspenmist's eyes widened.
"Okay, well, did you know that they touched FireClan's pool? The future is changing- and it could possibly be destoryed!!" Aspenmist yowled. Silverwhisper calmly looked at Aspenmist.
"No. I was not aware. Let me go touch your pool, then." Aspenmist lead the slow, old she-cat to the cave. Silverwhisper nodded, touching the pool with her paw. The rims of the pool were now silver, instead of gray like the others were.
"The future is now changed, Aspenmist. I'm afraid that the message you sent too Songbird was a waste." Silverwhisper said.
"W-Well we could erase her memory of it-"
"No. That'll change the future even more then it needs to be changed. We have to stay as close as we can to the prophecy, or the clans will be deystroyed." Silverwhisper meowed. Aspenmist swallowed, looking down into the pool.
"Well, I'll be leaving now.." Silverwhisper nodded to them.
"How many kits is she having now?" Lionbrair asked.
"Three." Aspenmist responded, feeling worry bubble up inside her.
"The dream I made her walk was a lie.." Aspenmist mumbled to herself, so quiet that not even Lionbriar could hear.
"So.. What about her new kits? Are they in any danger?" Aspenmist thought to herself, peering into the pool.
Songbird's Future: A Life With Sage And Dove
Fanfikce==This is a fan-fiction! Meaning I am not trying to steal anything! Thank you!== !!GORE WARNING!! Characters: **SPOILER WARNING:** Other Books: Book One- Founding a...