The shower is mine

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Part 35

Tugging her neck towards my chest and surrendering my left bicep to pillow her thoughts while I swim between the sheets.

The small talk begins with the drudgery of life. Anais and I have a compact, an unemotional compact.

Our nakedness breeds a subtle comfort only bare flesh can.

Again I tug her towards me and smile in absolute bliss.

She tells me this and I tell her that.

Slicing the this and that I drift off.

Accustomed to my daydreaming she heads for the shower and let's the water run.

Stepping into the steam that caresses her, I slide my hand, grab her by the short hairs and introduce myself as the water runs.

Caressing her while my face is splashed by the warm water, I continue to dig for gold in her folds.

"Hey you some of us work for a living".

Hot and bothered she exits.

The shower is mine.

Letting the hot water boil the sin out of me I take my time lathering.

She walks back in the bathroom pulls the curtain back gives me a hurried kiss and says, "Lock up and don't let the cat out."

Not being one to ever hurry a shower I stay in the confine of the steam.

The door slamming as she leaves startles me from my hypnotic state.

I begin to dry suspecting that she also gave the cat instructions.

Alone in her home the familiarity of our relationship hits me, I absorb the bedroom where she slays nightmares and nurtures dreams.

Dressed and strutting down the stairs, the cat follows.

I barely keep him in as I shut the door behind me.

My get away car waits like a sentinel with its fat wide Porsche ass and my
vanity plate reading "POETA", I always get a chuckle from reading it.

I sit in the cockpit of my jet reach for my shades and search for a song worthy of the feast I've just fed on.

Scrolling through the five thousand songs on my phone, suddenly it hits me.

Lazaro has no clue that the rope trick is female on female bondage.

To be continued.

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