North Office

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Part 9

I spent the night over at Susy's because I was a DUI candidate. I regretted it all day long. I didn't want her to get the impression that I was starting to nest.

The usual suspects at my North office and by North office I mean the Miami Lakes Starbucks could tell I was in an unusually crossed mood.

The gang there typically get the bubbly side of the Poet, not today.

"What's wrong Wordsmith?" said Pete, who for some reason likes to be called Alberto but since I'm not into split personalities I said "Bug off Pete."  He is a decorated man what branch I always forget.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" the lovely Lilly snickered as she sat down. Lovely always leaves our communal table littered with breadcrumbs yet no one utters a word on account of her temper.

"Hey you jackals stop jerking the Poet's chain he might cast a spell on us" said Ruiz in his best sarcastic out of work actor demeanor.

This motley crew was giving me shit and I was in a wear your sunglasses at night kind of funk.

All of the sudden a ray of sunshine.

Phone display reads "Hey Bud are you in the Lakes?" It was my muse and I suddenly remember the last time I saw him I gave him 50/50 chance of survival.

My nose for the story perked up.

I ignored the hooligans by my side and texted "Yes sir I'm at Starbucks."

Mario knowing we would have no privacy there suggested we have breakfast at Brother's of Brooklyn an unusual Jewish bagel shop in the land of the YUCAS of North Dade.

He was sitting on the large black and white booths in the back, reading the local rag and sipping poor man's coffee.

This was starting to have a Scorsese flavor to it.

He had his aviators on and I couldn't help asking "Are we taking off Captain?"

"You and your wit Poet" he smirked.

"Sit your ass down so I can give you the lowdown."

I said to myself "This day might end up sunny side up after all."

To be continued.

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