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Part 7

"You've been a scoundrel all your life yet I've been the flagpole flying the family colors."

"What would you know about being dad and breathing fire into your little dragons?"

"What would you know about little league baseball and East Cobb tournaments? You've been clubbing and skirt chasing all the while I fought the winds of change and stood still weathering the storm."

"What would you know about one man one woman and the ups and downs of it?"

"Don't patronize me with your smug bohemian gaze, walk in my shoes for a quarter century then write me a poem you prick."

Not wanting to be the kryptonite of my 305 bible I pulled the claws back from this calf and left it to graze while the hot gate keepers loosened their restrain and began to fill the dance floor.

Rubia showed up she is a regular at Cancun on Friday's I've had a few words with her yet never getting behind and driving her.

She made goo goo eyes at Mario and he was fit to be tied maybe he knew more than I did cause Rubia would tie and whip his ass.

He left the table on a sink or swim mission to get with Rubia.

I just nodded to myself, stallion on the loose.

As soon as he was ten paces away I said to myself "Is this guy going to lead or follow."

I had no idea the Don Julio would open new depth into this cat's cranium.

To be continued.

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