Naked to The Truth

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Part 27

There are rooms that wait for us to inhabit them with the restlessness of our soul.

Morning broke and the unfamiliarity of the room provoked a deep sigh of reflection.

Still wrapped in a cocoon of silk, I looked around the room for a familiar sign.

Where was I?

What had I been involved in?

Then as effervescent as a bubbling brook, the bubbles of the night broke through the veil.

I was naked to the truth. There was no reconciling with the animal that lived under my fingernails.

I had mortgaged my salvation at the site of flesh.

Springing from the bed I landed firmly on the cold floor, sending an unsavory chill up my spine.

Walked into the bathroom and stared into the mirror as if my reflection had answers.

Take note reader for the previous nights sexual tryst I would give up ten years of my life and three digits from my left hand.

Yet as sensually gratifying as it was, I recognized a new stripe on this tiger.

I had gone to Barcelona to be with Carolina and shit had gone sideways on me.

She had gotten used to treating me like a second class citizen.

Sex yes, plenty of it. But love wasn't sitting at the table and I was starving.

I found myself craving the kind of distance from this truth, that only Miami could afford.

Back to Miami, back to Mario and the cast of characters of my Pulitzer life.

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