Chapter 10

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Payton's POV

I had arrived at Peter's house, please be fine.

I entered the house, it still looked the same I could hear noise from the lounge room.

When I got there I laughed at what I saw.

It was Peter and Luke surrounded by blankets, chip, lollies, soft drink and video games.

It reminded me of how they got over mums death.

'Oh oh oh' 'no no no' they were making small noises.

How in the world are these boys older then me.

'Yes beat that lukey' said peter as he had beaten his brother in a fight.

'Dont get cocky little brother games not over yet' repiled Luke.

I was glad I came here.

It didn't matter if they couldn't see me cause they wouldn't of noticed me if I was alive, they were in the zone.

I could be on fire and they wouldn't notice, man how I love them haha.

I once had a blood nose and a black eye once from getting into a fight at school, hey not my fault the bitch stole my seat what else was I meant to do oh and I was in fourth grade too.

They didn't even notice me even though I was crying and in pain I had gotten annoyed and stood in front of the screen but they just moved to the side so they could see past me.

They only came out when I turned the game console off.

I wasn't crying anymore, 'hey!' I remembered them yelling at me.

They were about to yell other things before they saw my face and became worried.

They fused over me for the rest of the day.

I was watching them play now, they changed games to new super Mario kart when Peter spoke up 'hey what do you reckon pay would say right now?'

'Probably what are you guys playing video games when you should be crying over me' Luke said back laughing which Peter joined in.

'Yeah probably. I do miss her though'

'I know me too but she's still here I can't almost imagine her up in her room blasting music at the maxium level' Luke smiled.

'Yeah same or her sitting on the couch saying random things trying to get our attention. She always tried I don't think she realised that we were just ignoring her to annoy her'

'Yeah she'll never be truly gone, she'll always be around no matter what, now come let's play so I can beat your ass'

'Your on' they got absorbed into the game again.

This was why I loved my brothers they understood.

I loved them more then I ever did at that moment.

I knew then that I couldn't remain on earth forever I had unfinshed buisness to do.

With that I kissed both of my brothers cheeks, I half expected to fall straight through but I didn't but they didn't feel anything, probably just felt like the wind.

Maybe that was what my mother had told me I needed to realise.

That I was always going to be there no matter even if I has gone.

I left a plan forming in my head on how to help Nathan.

Time to put into action.

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