Chapter 4

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Kieran's POV

I was now home laying on the couch in my flat, drifting in and out of sleep.

My head was still spinning from the day.

It was now official the love of my life was truly gone now.

I felt empty and I had a deep hole on my heart.

I knew the boys were worried about me, I had barley spoken a word to them.

If I had a choice I wouldn't eat either but the boys wouldn't have any of that and made me eat.

I could still hear that voice in my head, 'Mr Wood, we are afraid that Payton smith died in a car accident earlier this evening'.

My heart had stopped after I head Payton had died.

I was frozen, I had felt the phone drop from my grasp, when it did the boys were looking at me confused.

I closed my eyes not wanting to think about what happened next.

I missed her so much, I needed her.

I don't know how I'm meant to live without her, she was my everything my world.

I felt bad not just for me but for Emily, Peter, Luke and her dad.

Emily had lost her best friend they had known each other for 19 years it was I wonder why she barely spoke anymore.

Liam makes her stay at his place now.

I think he's afraid she might do something that she'll regret.

I don't think Emily could do something like that but then again I didn't think Payton would leave me.

Peter and Luke had lost a sister.

They had already lost their mum and now their little sister.

Peter had taken a break from playing football for a couple of weeks and Luke had taken the time off of work.

I knew if lost one of my sisters I would be a wreck as well.

Peter hasn't talked to anyone for a while except for that night when it happened.

I couldn't blame him as I hadn't either.

James, Payton's father had lost his wife 14 years ago and now his daughter.

He tried to keep a smile on his face but I could tell by his eyes that he was breaking just as much as the rest of us.

James had welcomed me into their family the day I met him.

I was told that her mum would of done the same, it was just the kind of people they were.

Payton's probably wih her mum right now instead of being here on earth with me.

I knew I was being selfish but I didn't give a shit.

I had lost the love of my life.

The girl I was going to marry, have kids with, grow old with.

I knew Payton wouldn't want me to be like this but I couldn't just snap out of it and be normal again.

I would never be normal again not without her.

Nathan's POV

I didn't want to eat, I couldn't cause I had lost Payton.

My friend, my eating buddy, food would never taste the same.

No more eating contests with her, no more arguments on what's best to eat at Nando's, no more midnight snacks and chats.

None of that ever again.

I was worried about Kieran's, we all were.

He wants her back, we all do but she isn't coming back.

I remembered the night when Payton had told me she loved Kieran.

I was the first person she had told, it made me feel warm inside that she could trust me like that.

I heard a knock at my door.

I had a fleeting idea that it was Payton behind the door coming to take me to Nando's.

We always went to Nando's at 5 on a Thursday night, it was a tradition.

I opened it to see Emily there.

'Hey' I said trying to hid my dispointment.

'Hi um I know that you and Payton used to go to Nando's at this time so I was wondering if you wanted to go with me as a tribute to her' she suggested.

It was the most I had heard Em speak since that night.

I nodded my head, I thought it would be a good idea.

A tribute to Payton by eating at her favourite restaurant at the same time on the same day that we used to.

I grabbed my jacket and me and Emily left the complex.

It was quiet in the car I didn't expect anything less.

When we arrived at Nando's, I looked at the passenger seat as if Payton would be there but she wasn't.

I don't know what it was but I just broke down then, just staring at the resturant.

By now Payton would already be out of the car, me not far behind.

I cried and cried, 'oh Nate I'm so sorry I knew this was a bad idea I'm so sorry' Emily apologised giving me a hug.

I shook my head, trying to tell her it wasn't her fault but I just cried harder.

She stroked my hair reassuringly while I cried into her shoulder.

This was going to be harder then I thought.

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