Chapter 17

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Jessica's POV

I couldn't believe it Payton was gone.

The words I had said years ago came to my head and I regretted everything ten times more then I did before.

I overeacted and didn't let Payton apologise or explain.

I was a stupid kid, a selfish one at that.

Even when we weren't talking anymore I would still check her twitter now and then again to still be a part of her life somehow.

I was so happy when she started dating Kieran she deserved someone who would treat her right and I knew that he would.

I thought about picking up the phone and calling or texting her or tweeting her a million times but the words I had said haunted me and I knew she wouldn't pick up or answer so I never did.

So here I was in my room, watching old videos and staring at the photos of our friendship.

When I had heard about Payton's death I broke down and didn't talk to anyone, not even my boyfriend James.

He was worried about me I could tell but I still remained silent.

My best friend was dead and the last words I had said to her was that I hoped she would die.

I turned the page of our photo album only to greeted with a white envelope that had JESSICA written in familar writing.

It was Payton's, I grabbed it and opened it quickly it read:


I decided that I would write this to you even though I'm unsure whether you will ever read this. First off I wanted to say that I am so so truly sorry for the was that things ended between us. It was my fault, I should of answered you all those times you tried to contact me. I was a horrible best friend and a stupid one as well. I should of known that I was hurting you and that me just turning up on your door step after months of ignoring you with and apology and a holiday would never work. And all those things I said to you I'm so sorry. I regret saying those thing every bloody day. It wish that I could go back and time and erase those words from ever leaving my mouth, you were my best friend and I treated you like shit and I'm so sorry about that. I thought I might tell you about my life right now, I don't know why but anyway here goes. I'm currently dating the most amazing person on earth his name is Kieran and he's in a boy band called first connection. The other boys are all so amazing just like what everyone thinks them to be. Emily has moved back to London so I'm catching up with her, I still wish I could introduce you to her as I'm sure you would hit it off. Peter and Luke are doing good and so is dad. You should, of seen Peter when I told him that we weren't friends anymore. He went full on berserk at me and keto on asking what the hell was wrong with me? I always told you that he liked you and I think that proved it haha. Oh yeah speaking about Peter he is now playing for Manchester United, much to the pleasure of Kieran, Jason and Josh as they are huge fans haha. Luke has a girlfriend now and I know he's going to propose to her soon which I hope he does cause I swear they were made for each other, total soul mates. Anyway I'd love to know how you are? Checking your twitter and Facebook doesn't give away much, don't think I'm a stalker please. Oh yeah James seems so nice, you guys are so cute together and I'm glad you are together. Anyways what I'm trying to say is that I would love more then anything to be a part of your life and you mine, I'm so sorry for the way thing needed between us Jessie and I hope that some how we can move on from the last and you can forgive me. I love you Jess ( you know in a friend way haha Kieran's the only one who has my heart. Wow that was cheesy oh well). Your always going to be my best friend forever and always.

Your bestie

Payton xoxo

I wiped away my years after reading the letter but the tears just kept on coming.

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