I'll Try (chapter 2)

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I was never good at keeping promises. Well that's kind of a lie but still, who does? Some promises are just made to be broken, not meant to be kept even if you crossed your heart, hoped to die, and shook pinkies of all things.

Even though this is the absolute last thing I want to do, it's final. The tour is a must go. We start somewhere in Asia and keep going down to the most important cities of our career. If that even makes sense.

Luke keeps saying he's exited. Keeps asking if I'm ready for this last tour. I can see past it. He's dying inside. This is also the last thing he ever wants to do.

His second great granddaughter is due in a few months and he doesn't know if he will even be there to see his newest great grandchild be born.

"Hey this is going to be fun! It's the last tour until we officially retire." Luke said for the thousandth time today.

"I get it your exited but it'll never be the same! It hasn't been the same for ten years! Once Calum was gone nothing has been the same! And Michael decided to be young and stupid and now look at where we are at! It won't be fun Luke! It just won't!" I snapped at him getting fed up.

"I'm sorry, Ash. I know it's not the same. We're doing this for our fans. The fam. Just one last go around for them. So they can see us one last time. One last time, Ash. Think about it." He states.

"I'll try," I say, "I'll just try."

"Well good. I'm just as tired and fed up as you are. I really don't want to miss my new great grand baby's birth either. I still miss the boys just as much as you do but we are going to have to try for them. For the fans that have been there since day one and beyond. Let's do this. It starts in a month after the tickets go on sale tomorrow." Luke tells me before walking out.


"I only have a little longer." He told us.

"A little longer for what?" I asked confused.

"To live." He says with a tear rolling down his face.

"No. No. You're kidding. Stop lying to us. Tell us the truth." Luke tries to persuade, is voice wobbly.

"I'm not. Any day now. I should've treated myself better, I should've...." He starts crying. We all do.


"Here we come to celebrate the life of a hero, a father, a husband, a bandmate, and a friend to many, Calum Tomas Hood. January 20, 1996 to April 16, 2063. He was a great father to his three beautiful children and a loving husband to his lovely wife, Jessica and from that his five grandchildren. For most of his life, he followed his dream as being the bassist for the famous band 5 Seconds of Summer with his three band mates, and best friends. He was a very accomplished man and his music helped many fans of all ages and backgrounds. He will be remembered by many and this loss will be heavy on the hearts of many as well. Now, coming up, one of his best friends and bandmates, Ashton Irwin." The pastor recited.

I walk up shaking. This is so hard to do for me. "Hi, um, I'm Ashton as you heard." I say earning a few giggles, "Calum was a great friend words can't even describe how great he is. I remember one thing he told me many years ago, he said, 'If you're gonna say something just fucking say it. Don't hold back anything you'll regret not doing.' I've kept these words close to my heart as well as 'Can you leave I'm trying to shower!'" I say getting a few laughs, "The lyrics he wrote will always be remembered and sung by thousands. All of the meanings and stories behind them made them all the more special. I remember," I say choking up, "I remember the late nights and the all the memories staying up writing music for the next album, and the next. I remember the laughs and the jokes coming out of his mouth. How he played and sang to every song." By this point my voice wobbles and tears start streaming, "But I will always remember, always remember, how much he cares for us, his family, and everyone who even listened to a single word of our songs." I finish trying to hurry up so I can hopefully get a drink and drink these tears away.

*flashback over*

It seems like just yesterday. So long ago. I've been packing up for awhile. We will be gone for at least six months so might as well start two weeks early. I promised I would try. I'm trying to fit fit my clothes into this suitcase.

My wife, Brianna, is coming with us as (well as Luke's wife) and she somehow is already packed and ready to go.

"It's not for two week Bri, you know that right?" I tell her.

"What if I need to pack sooner so I don't forget unlike packing two things a day like you do." She laughs.

Oh, I love her laugh so much. It's the one thing that can make me smile no matter what kind of day I'm going through.

I lean in and kiss her. "Oh, I'm kidding with you but you know that you can wait just a little bit longer to be done with it." I tell her.

"I don't care. I'm fine." She says walking out of the room probably to get something I forgot.

I just about cried writing the flashback. Don't get used to long chapters. I'll try to update as soon as I can but I'm going to have a lot of homework this year so bare with me.

Whoa!! 1,000 words!! That's crazy!!

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