Pirate And Cat Girl Theme part 1

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Before we start, I would like to apologize for the snail update process. Writer's block hits me hard and it doesn't help to write fluff when your ovaries have long shriveled and died. I definitely see my future with 5 cats and 3 dogs a possibility now. ANYHOO! I decided to serve you sweethearts another go at some of the works I did in high school! SO, here it is: The pirate and cat girl theme!! I was into anime back then so the fantasies in my head were definitely stuff like these. This piece was one of the biggest favorite among my peers. But obviously my writing style from then was different compared to now and bear the fact that my story logic level then was a 15 year old's (there's really no logic in the story). I won't edit it too much just cause i want to preserve my original writing style from back then. Do enjoy though! Enough with the blab and here is the story!! You guys have been purrfect and I would like to thank you for the support and even suggestions! Meowrr! 

If any of you would like to know the Captain, he's the anime character Arthur Kirkland :) Isn't he a cutie? 


I opened my eyes and met pitch black.

Am I dead? I tried stretching my hands but it hit solid wall almost immediately.

Where am I? I wondered starting to panic, fear clogged up in my nostrils as my head spun. Then it came back to me.

I was in a barrel.

I lifted my hands up to pop the lid off. It wouldn't even budge!

Crap. This was bad. 

All I did was snooze off a little in here to escape from the restaurant! Now what-

The barrel shuddered and swayed making my head spin and my stomach sick. What was going o-

"Meow!" I yelped landing on my front, hard. The sudden piercing sunlight poked me in the eye making me squint.

"This isn't rum! It's a girl!" a voice gasped and I looked up at a good-looking fellow who stared down at me as if I was an alien. Feeling shy and self-conscious, I tried to shield any exposed skin that the tight singlet I wore, didn't. I found myself in the center of a curious circle and I lowered my ears insecurely, ready to snarl as I bared my canines.

I looked around much more closely when I realized I was on a ship!

A large rough hand reached for me and I snarled, hitching my ears back, my claws extended.

"Hold it at once!" an authoritative voice barked over the din and like magic, everyone shifted and separated into two sides, forming a straight path for an important figure. He entered the circle, cloak flapping in the wind with his auburn hair half hidden by the tricorne he wore. He had eyes the color of the deep blue sea, sometimes flashing turquoise in the blazing sun from under his stray strands of wavy hair that fell over his features. He moved with a certain grace and certainty I found myself lowering my body with caution.  Our eyes met and I felt sparks all over my body. He had an air about him. Arrogant, solid and masculinity.

"What is your name?" he asked in his heavy British accent and I found myself marveling at how soft and firm his lips looked. Without warning, he strode forward catching me by a fistful of my black hair so that I was yanked up forcefully, spitting and snarling at the pain.

"I said speak! You insolent witch! I want your name, or are you a spy for the Quartesian brats?!" he yelled harshly, tightening his grip threatening to tear my hair from its roots. My head felt like it was about to explode.

"Arabelle! My name is Arabelle! I work for Mrs Ham in the restaurant and I hid in one of your barrels by accident! I had no idea it was for the ship!" I screamed and he released me. I crumpled into a heap at his feet and onto the deck board, head pounding and panting with adrenaline and fear.

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