My nerd to bully part 2

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My back slammed against the brick wall and I grunted from the faint throbbing from where he had slapped me across the face. He had my hair yanked back so that I was forced to look straight into his green eyes. the ones that watched me that night. The ones that trailed down every inch of my body. He hit me again before dragging me behind the school building.

"You lil slut telling everyone we slept together!" Roy roared at me. I flinched at his tone, my eyes trying to look everywhere but him. He didn't remember, how drunk he had gotten. How he had seen me walking alone in the dormitory hallways. How he had forced me into the storage room. and what he had told me that he had mentioned my name that had made me stop struggling.

"Are you even listening?!" Another slap made me return to reality, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I give up." I thought, my vision swaying. oxygen getting thinner around me. My head pounding profusely. I frowned waiting for another hit, bracing for the impact.


"Excuse me?" He had loosen his grip and I felt the atmosphere release some sort of tension.

Had I thought that out loud?

In my little relief at his release, I licked the blood of my cracked lips in a swift motion and took in a deep breath, my chest pulsating with the burn of bruises and cuts. Without warning, he grabbed my chin and said in a stern tone,"Don't move."

The last thing I saw were his features leaning into mine, as I watched frozen, confused, doubtful.

And our lips brushed ever so softly when a shadow flickered somewhere from the corner of my eyes behind his broad shoulder's.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HER!" someone growled and next thing i saw was Roy being ripped away and then thrown to a side like an unwanted object.

My eyes widened almost immediately and I looked up at the new head prefect, Mark glaring at my bully.

"It's amazing how low someone can get." He growled lowly, shooting a glance of disgust at Roy, who layed groaning in the corner where he was thrown. Roy scrambled up, muttering something and was out of sight in seconds.
"Are you okay?" The softest voice asked. I blinked. Blue eyes stared at me with concern. And a hand was gently running over my cuts and bruises. I stayed still. Not daring to breathe. Not believing for a second, that someone was being this nice,t-this gentle, with m-me...
"Please don't hurt me!" I squeaked, almost terrified this was a trap. A trap where I think I'm given some kind of hope but then taken from me-
"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. I won't hurt you." His voice soothing and soft snapping me out of my train of thoughts. I watched him with a half awed, half terrified look. I must have worn his patience thin because I was swooped up then. Bridal style and all. All away to the infirmary.

My eyelids flickered open slowly, and my vision of the white ceiling came into focus. I felt something heavy, a presence next to where I layed. I stirred, inhaling deeply, as if trying to muster more energy to lift my body up and see this person.

"I'm flattered, but save your energy, darling." A silky, all too familiar voice purred and I froze.
Why was he here?
Fear flamed up all the way to my throat when I realized how close this guy was. I wouldn't make it standing even if I could haul my bruised body out of bed to the door. Instead I just closed my eyes, hoping this was all a bad dream. I felt myself stiffen when he leaned towards my ear, his breath resonating against the nape of my neck. He inhaled.

"What do you want Roy?" I growled through my gritted teeth, trying not to shiver with fear.

"Already trying to get rid of me, my love?" He chuckled, amused." We've got time a-plenty, while your knight goes on his recess duty." He leaned back, and I released a breath I never knew I was holding in.

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