chapter six - call

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Luke sat on the floor of his motel room as Calum and Ashton slept in his bed. He didn't care, there was no way Luke could sleep anyways. It was the least Luke could do after making them come all the way over here to help Luke find his boyfriend that they barely even knew. Luke needed them, though. Without them, he wouldn't be able to figure anything out. He didn't even know if he'd keep sane without them.

Luke tapped on his knee as he watched them, hoping  they would wake up soon and they could get right back on with their search. But then again, it didn't really matter. They were stuck, they had no start to their search. They didn't know where to look. Michael could be anywhere by now.

Luke sighed, a little too loudly, but regretted it when he heard shuffling coming from the bed. He watched as a dark figure sat up and rubbed it's eyes.

"Luke?" Calum whispered.

Luke didn't say anything, he just swallowed and watched Calum's darkened body.

"What are you doing on the floor? There's a couch," Calum said.

Luke stayed silent.

"You should really try and get some sleep," Calum said.

Luke shook his head. "I can't. I just close my eyes and think of him. My mind is running over and over and I'm trying to think of any way we can try and find him. Or at least have a start."

"We'll find something, Luke. It's just going to take some time, but we're not going to give up," Calum assured.

"Go back to sleep, Calum," was all Luke said.

Calum gave up and did go back to sleep. But Luke stayed on the floor. He stayed in that position until the sun came up, shining through the window. It eventually woke the two boys in his bed up and yawning.

Ashton looked at Luke when he woke up and sighed at how Luke looked. Ashton couldn't even imagine what Luke was going through. If Calum went missing, Ashton didn't know if he'd be able to function. 

"Back to work?" Ashton asked, being the first one to speak up.

Calum nodded, knowing they weren't going to get much out of Luke. "I guess we'll start with driving."

"But where?" Luke spoke up. "We don't know what way they turned, where they went, we're not just going to drive and find him on the road."

"What if he wasn't kidnapped? He could have just left. Kidnapped seems more of the believable one, but it's not official. It's a possibility that we could run into him," Calum said.

"Calum's right," Ashton said. "And it's a start."

Luke sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He was about to get up when a buzzing in his pocket startled him. Luke quickly fished his phone out of his pocket and looked at the screen. He didn't recognize the number but answered it anyways.

"Hello?" Luke said into the phone.

Luke waited a minute, but nothing.


The line wasn't dead though. There was someone listening as well. Luke sat for a minute, hoping maybe it was something more than some spam call. Then it clicked in.

"Michael?" Luke said quickly, catching Ashton and Calum's attention. "Michael, if that's you, where are you? Can you say something? I just need to know if you're okay."

Luke stood up from his position and held the phone close to his ear. "Michael?" He spoke again. "Calum and Ashton are here, we are looking for you, if you're in danger, we're going to save you. I'm not going to give up until I have you back in my arms."

Luke started to tear up as the line was just silence.

"Michael," Luke said again. "If you are in danger, give me a sign. Whimper, whisper, move around, cough, something, please."

Luke waited and waited. He didn't want to hang up. Someone was on the other end of this call. And then, there was a long breath on the other end. 

After that, the line went dead.

Sorry for missing the update yesterday, I was exhausted.

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