Chapter 11

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Dinner that night was a painful occurrence, as I had been trapped in a literal and metaphorical Harries sandwich. Not only was my heart caught inbetween the two frustratingly enchanting boys, but my body too.

Jack had decided to invite some of his friends for dinner, unfortunately including Claire. I might sound like a bitter girlfriend, but that girl was trouble, I could just feel it. Anyhow, some of his friends from youtube, Zoe, Niomi, Alfie and Marcus had joined us. We were sitting in a booth in a very nice restaurant, with Zoe, Alfie, Marcus and his girlfriend Niomi on one side, and Claire, Jack, Me and Finn on the other side (in that order). Naturally, my discomfort was of such a level that I couldn't even move properly. On one side, Jack was holding my hand and planting continuous kisses on my cheek, on the other, Finn would occasionally brush my arm in the most subtle way, leaving sparks along my skin in his wake. I was afraid that one wrong move, and everything would come crashing down around me, so I sat there trying to eat in a way that required the least movement possible.

After we had finished dinner, and my limbs were essentially dead from sitting in the same frigid position for an hour and a half, we were finally on our way. The club was absolutely packed, the line on the outside went on for days, but luckily Marcus knew one of the bouncers so we got in fast. As soon as I walked through that door, I sped towards the bar, and got a shot of vodka, knowing that it would numb my brain and feelings at least a little bit. 

"Easy tiger," I heard a familiar voice say, the obvious smirk on his face almost audible. I whirled around and glared at Finn angrily.

"You put me in the most awkward position possible at dinner, I'm allowed to let loose a little okay, I have no idea what's going on with my feelings, and you aren't helping." I raved, furious. He talk a step closer to me, eyes softening,

"You have feelings for me?" He asked, with something that looked oddly like hope gleaming in his eyes. I blushed and looked down, embarassed.

"I didn't say that, I'm just... confused" I said, trying to choose my words carefully. I looked up at his face, jaw clenched, and eyes which had become a little darker, a little colder. He stepped backwards, signaling the bartender for 2 drinks. 

"Well let's end your confusion, shall we?" He said, handing me a shot glass. Though I had no idea what he meant by that, I clinked my glass with his, and downed the fiery liquid. 

The later stages of the night came to me in detached scenes, hazy and surreal, like a dream. The loud music pounded in my ears, and my body felt weightless, the drinks no longer burning my throat, yet Finn's touch still scalding, everywhere he left it. I grabbed on to Jack, trying to block Finn out, focus on the one I loved, who loved me. I could feel my flushed cheeks, the temperature rising as Jack and I moved in sync with the music. 

My vision turned to Finn, and an all too familiar white blonde who had wrapped herself around him. I felt my heart sink, as bile rose up in my throat. Untangling myself from Jack and attempting to run to the bathroom, I accidentally bumped into the two, who were too engrossed in each other to even realise, as my disgust grew further. Finally getting to the toilet, which was surprisingly empty, I grabbed some paper towels, wet them, and held them to my forehead, which was pounding at an alarming rate. After a few minutes trying to calm down, I reapplied my lipstick, and fixed my hair, feeling much less inebriated than before. 

Yet as I walked out the door, someone grabbed me and pulled me behind a pillar. And who was it? None other than Finn. I shoved past him, not giving him a chance to talk, but he grabbed my wrist before I could go too far. 

"Listen, Alexandra--" He began as I tried to wrench myself from his iron grip.

"Let go of me Finn," I hissed back, not in the mood to speak with him. 

"Let me explain" He pleaded, running his fingers through his hair. "She came onto me, I don't even like her in the slightest, besides she's Jack's ex, it would be too strange."

"Well it looked like you liked her plenty, and don't use that as an excuse when you had your tongue down her throat" I retorted angrily. His green eyes gleamed in the dim lighting, as he pulled me to his chest, hands still gripping my wrists. "Let me go" I said again, more forcefully.

"Are you... jealous, Alexandra?" He murmured into my ear, voice low, barely audible. I gulped, and let out a forced laugh.

"Jealous of her, not in the slightest" I replied, trying to be as convincing as possible. He snickered, obviously knowing that I was lying.

"Really... Well, what if I told you I did this to her" He said, running his fingers lightly up my arm, and stopping to move a bit of hair out of my face, hand caressing my cheekbone. "Would you be jealous then?" He asked, feeding off the fact that he was clearly getting to me. I looked him dead in the eye, mustering all the willpower I had and shook my head resolutely. He smirked, this time leaving feathery kisses up and down my jaw. It took all the determination I possessed to keep from melting in his arms, but I stood strong, yet did nothing about it. "Would this make you jealous, Alexandra?" He said, looking up through his lashes at me. 

"You know what, you can do whatever the hell you want with her, I don't care, but don't bother speaking to me ever again" I spat, clearly showing how jealous I was, but doing nothing to stop it. As I turned on my heel to walk away, I was grabbed by the waist and pulled back to him, his jade eyes darkening with something dangerously magnetic before he cupped my face and kissed me hungrily. I pushed him away, looking at him in disbelief, as his eyes widened in response.

Before pulling him back and continuing a kiss that turned my body into a live wire, every nerve ablaze with something that I had never before experienced. As he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist, while he carried me back to the bathroom (which was empty, luckily) and locked the door. His hands ran up and down my body, kisses growing more desperate by the second, as he trailed them down my jaw, to my neck and back up again. The last thought I had was, 

'Oh God, what have I done?'

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