The Art of Hope (31)

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Chapter 31

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This one is shorter. Sorry. Hope you enjoy. Plus, I was in a hurry again so any mistakes I am very, very, very sorry.

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Three days, three long days and still Missy is stuck in her room crying at any comment, not talking, and even not eating. I had gotten her to eat once, just one time in the past 3 and a half days. Something is wrong. I kept thinking that she was sick. This morning when I went to check on her she had just thrown up all of her dinner from last night - the only food she had had in almost five days.

Her being sick meant one thing, it was time to go home. In a way I was happy, I could not take any more of my father, mother, and brother. Although, I would really miss Sid and Fletch. Fletch was really my only real friend. Not to say Jace wasn't. Jace is a great friend and all, but he has fucked things up royally. I just hope to God the King does not get wind of this whole thing, and the only way that will happen is if Missy can get over him fast.

Simply put, it was time to go and that is why we are leaving in four hours.

I knocked on her door just to warn her I was coming in. "Hey Missy!" I said cheerfully. I learned to avoid asking how she was. Every time I would ask she would just break into tears again. But what I saw when I looked in her room shocked me. She was up and moving. Her bed was made and the scent of lavender swam throughout the room from her shower. She was wearing a knee length navy blue dress with leggings underneath. I stood there dumbfounded. What was this?

She turned around and smiled sheepishly at me. "Good morning." She said in a little more of a cheerful tone. Still I could hear the pain in it, but even with the pain in it I relaxed. I relaxed because she was going to be okay. I just knew it - she is a fighter. After I said nothing she spoke again, "Are you alright?" She asked.

"Um, Yeah, Yeah. It's just nice to hear your voice." She gave me a questioning look. Then I realized what I had said. "Yeah, you know. Because I thought you wear going to waist away into nothing." I added jokingly. And to my surprise she chuckled.

"Did you need something? I was going to go see Sydney. I know I must have scared her when I was... in that state." I could not believe she was just all of the sudden okay. That is just not how it works. Is it?

"Actually, We are leaving to four hours." I put it bluntly.

"Oh," was all she said as worry crossed her forehead.

"I know you don't want to see him, but it is time to face the music." I stated. I knew her mind had wondered of to him.

She turned and began to gather her suitcase from under the bed. "I have to face a lot of music." She mumbled to herself.

"Missy, I know you hate him, but you don't even know his side of the story." I knew for a fact that he felt horrible about it, not that it changes anything.

She spun around and I had the joy, literally, to see her mad. "It's just like you to side with him. You do know I saw him. I saw them both butt fucking naked and he screamed HER name. You have no clue what it is like to see someone you love with your entire heart yell someone's name out in utter pleasure." She spat. Even through the anger I could see how much she was dying from this. I could see how much effort it took for her to just go through every minute of life.

"Sorry, sorry." I said. "But he is my friend and I know that you would still care about one of your friends if they did something like this." I said knowing I was right.

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