Suga ~ voluntary work

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You close the cage again and start feeding the kittens. You always feel kind of sad when you see these little baby animals. How can people not want to take all of them home? If your mom wouldn't be allergic to animal fur, you would've brought atleast twenty pets home.

Your favourite kitten in here is named Sparky. He always follows you around the cage and gives you licks whenever you pet him.

You've been working here for the past month and you didn't regret it for a second. You're a volunteer, so you don't get paid, but that doesn't matter. Being able to spend so much time with these sweet animals was more than you could ask for.

You finish feeding the kittens and after cuddling with them for a while, you stand up and leave the cage.

The pet shelter is really amazing. No animals are put down and a lot of them find a new home. When they don't, the boss usually takes them home himself or gives them to the people that work here.

You see the boss walking your way. Behind him is a slim guy with mint green hair. "Hello Y/N. This is Yoongi, he's coming to work here for the next few weeks. I want you to show him around and give him tasks alright. I need to go now again, my wife and I are planning on getting dinner together."

The boss leaves again and you're standing there in front of the boy named Yoongi. He has some tattoos on his arm and a lip piercing. He looks really hot.

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." Yoongi nods and shakes your hand. "Min Yoongi. But you can call me Suga." You shake his hand as well.

"So, also interested in helping animals?" You ask when the two of you are playing with a few dogs. "Something like that." He replies. "What do you mean?" You ask curiously. Suga grins. "I have to work here for a few weeks because of something I did." You raise your eyebrows. Is he some kind of criminal?

"What did you do?" Suga chuckles darkly. "Nothing to bad. I got in a fight with two cops. May have beaten the sh*t out of them." He raises his shoulders and shrugs it off as nothing.

You don't feel scared around him, but it does feel strange, sitting next to someone who beat up a pair of cops.

"Do you actually like animals?" "Ofcourse I do! I'm not a monster Y/N. Please don't think wrong about me." He replies.

"Come on, we need to clean out some cages." Suga follows your example and stands up. "Alright, lets go."

Two weeks pass and it's already Suga's last day. You don't want to admit it, but you're really going to miss him. It was fun not having to work alone. Suga says goodbye to the other people that work in the pet shelter and lastly, he walks towards you.

"Okay, this was my last day. Are you going to miss me?" He asks. You playfully roll your eyes. "Most definitely not! I'm glad to be released again." You say jokingly. Suga smiles. "I'll miss you too Y/N. But hey, don't worry. I'll drop by as many times as possible. Promise."

And he didn't lie. Suga stopped at the animal shelter two times a week to say hello. You even met up somewhere else besides the pet shelter. He never got into trouble with the police again and after a few months, he asked you out on a date. Ofcourse you said yes.

Suga even adoped a puppy and a kitten you'll look after together, but they both live permenantly with him until you will move in together in the future.

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