Suga ~Home

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For this imagine I wanted to do something a little different. I want to write an imagine for a male reader. I'm not sure wether there are guys reading this story ( if so, hii!!). Because I don't like to assume about idol's sexual preference. So, I decided to make this a boyxboy imagine because you never know. Plus suga said he doesn't care about gender so I thought this was the perfect time to make one of these. If you like this, please let me know in the comments and I'll make more of these (also with the other members) and eumh yeah. You can also request boyxboy imagines know. (Both bts ships and just one of the boys with a male reader) 💜💙❤️💛💚
You just finished putting the clean clothes back in the wardrobe when you heard the frontdoor to your appartement open. You smiled, knowing your boyfriend just came home. "Y/N? I'm home." You walk out of the bedroom and into Suga's arms. He kisses your cheek and smiles. "Missed me?" You nod and rest your head on his shoulder. After about five minutes you look up and stare into his beautiful eyes. Suga smiles and leans forward. He presses his lips against yours.

"What did you do the entire day?" You say, walking away from him and sitting down on the couch. In all honesty, you were thinking about going on vacation the entire day, but you know that Suga would prefere to stay in Korea and work on his music, so instead, you say: "nothing much, just watching some tv." Suga nods. "What about you." "Wrote some songs and did some recordings for the upcoming album." Yoongi sits down on the couch as well, putting his feet on the small table.

"Some fans came up to me on my way home. They asked if the rumors were true." "Rumors?" Suga chuckles. "About me being in a relationship with a guy and not with a girl." I nod understanding. He's right, those rumors had been going around a lot lately, strange since the two of you were together for almost three years now.

"What did you say?" "That they were true. I mean, last time I checked you were a guy. Want me to check it again just for good meassure?" You feel yourself starting to blush and you playfully hit him against his shoulder. "Stop it!" "Why?" You chuckle. "Because it makes me blush, can't you see that?" Suga smiles sweetly. "I sure can, but why do you act so shy about it when you know that it's nature. People fuck. Especially if you've been together for as long as we've been."

You roll your eyes. "But that doesn't mean you have to be so blunt about it." Suga smiles and stands up. "You know what, I'm going to order some pizza. Wich one do you want?" "Mozarella! Extra cheese!"

Thirty minutes later the pizzas have arrived. Suga and you decided to eat them on the couch while watching a movie. "Hey eumh, Yoongi?" He looks up, his mouth stuffed with pizza. "Mmh?"  You smile at the cute image and then continue. "Do you think that now you confirmed the rumours about you dating a guy, people will stop listening to your music?" Suga raises his shoulders.

"In that case, it doesn't bother me. If people unstan my group because of who I love, I don't care. I talked with the other members about this and they all agree. So, don't worry." You nod and look down. Suga notices and puts a hand on your arm. "What's wrong?"

"It's just that I feel like this is my fault." Suga rolls his eyes. "It's not. I love you, and if people can't appreciate that, screw 'em. You're more important than anything in my life. Seriously." You smile and kiss his cheek.

"I love you Yoongi."

"I love you too, Y/N.

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