Jungkook ~Secret Agent

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A/N: I got the idea for this imagine from the dream I had last night. The main difference being that in my dream it was Chanyeol instead of Jungkook. Please enjoy this imagine!

The door closed behind us as we made our way out of our boss' room. He gave us en envelop with our new mission in it. Jungkook took my hand and intertwined our fingers. "Lets go somewhere a little more quiet to read the mission." You nod and smile at him.

Jungkook leads you out of the building and into a nearby park. Since it's winter, not a lot of people are around, so Jungkook and you have plenty of options to where you can go sit down. "Lets sit over there, underneith the tree." Jungkook nods. You sit down and open the envelop.

"Tonight at 7pm, the suspect will take bus 324 to Ilsan. We need to get rid of him in any way possible. Whether that's kidnapping or killing him doesn't matter." Jungkook says. "What did he do wrong?" "It says here that he stole a few million dollar of our boss and killed about ten company workers. One of the bad guys obviously." You nod. "Okay, then let us start with the preparations."

6:50 pm
"The bus will arrive in 10 minutes. Please repeat the plan again?" Jungkook sighs and kisses your forehead. "I go to the far back of the bus, you go to the front. At my sign, I shoot the bastard in his leg or arm and we take him away. But we have to wait until there aren't that many people left on the bus. We then tie him up and bring him back to our boss. If something unexpected happens, you shoot him trough the head. Got it?" You nod. "It stays weird to kill people Jungkook." "Mmh. I know. But think about it this way: they're all very bad guys that did many bad things."

The bus appears and Jungkook gives you a quick peck on the lips, before entering the bus. You follow him a little bit later and sit down in one of the front seats. Suddenly, your phone beeps to let you know you received a text. You open the text and it's from Jungkook.

Bae: it's the guy with the hat and the glasses, three rows behind you on the opposite side of the bus.

You: when do we go over to our plan??

Bae: I'll call you when it's time

You focus on the road and wait carefully until Jungkook calls you. The bus stops and two people get off. Now it's just Jungkook, the villain, the bus driver and me left. Jungkook told me that our boss made an arrangement with the bus driver, so that he won't call the police on us. Suddenly, my phone rings and I pick up. "Now babe." Jungkook says.

You put down your phone and take your gun from your bag.

You stand up and see Jungkook do the same thing. "Hands up bastard!" Jungkook yells. The man looks up and gets his own gun and points it towards Jungkook, who's also pointing his gun towards the man.

"Don't even try to shoot!" You yell. The man looks over his shoulder and chuckles. "Are you supposed to intimidate me? It's not working honey." He looks back at Jungkook, who got closer to him. The man drops his gun and tries to stab Jungkook in his chest. Jungkook grabs the hand with the knife and pushes it away from him, but the man doesn't give up. He's about to drive the knife in Jungkook's chest, so you point your gun and pull the trigger.

The man falls face down, and Jungkook bends over. "Is he..?" Jungkook looks up and nods. You walk over and rest your head on his shoulder. "I'm going to call the boss." You nod and kiss his cheek before turning your back towards Jungkook and the body. This isn't the first time you killed a villain, but it doesn't get easier.

"They want us to get off at the next stop." "Alright. What about the body?" Jungkook smiles gently at you. "We have to take it with us ofcourse. They are picking it up."

At the next stop Jungkook takes the body and throws it over his shoulder. "Our boss will send you the money he promised!" He yells to the bus driver. "Hurry up! I don't want people to see what's going on inside here." The doors of the bus opens and you follow Jungkook out of the bus. "There they are." You say while pointing towards a car.

The doors of the car open and your boss steps out, followed by a body guard and some staff. "Good work guys. Put him in the trunk." Jungkook nods and does as ordered.

"You can go home now, we'll get your money transferred as soon as possible." You thank your boss and he gets in his car and drives away. "How are we getting home?" You ask Jungkook. "We can walk. It's not that far anymore." It's already very dark outside when you're halfway home. "Jungkook, I'm tired." You whine while resting your head against his arm.

He sighs. "Hop on." He bends down his knees a little bit. You chuckle. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist. Jungkook continuous walking again while you rest your head on his shoulder. You use one of your hands to play with his hair. "I'm going to take you out for dinner tomorrow." Jungkook says all of a sudden. "Mmh. Sounds good to me." You can practically feel him smile. "Lets go home for now." Jungkook says quietly.

You wake up when Jungkook crawls into bed next to you. "Oh sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." You smile gently at him. "It's okay." He chuckles and kisses you deeply. "I love you babe." You smile against his lips. "I love you too, but go to sleep now sweetheart, we had a long day." Jungkook smiles tiredly. "Okay. See ya tomorrow." "Sweet dreams Kookie."

And with that, both of you doze off to sleep.

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