Jin ~bar

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"I told you already that I don't feel like going okay. Why can't you just accept it." Your friend on the other side of the line sighs. "I know you're still sad that Mike broke up with you, but I'm telling you, going out with us again will make you feel a lot better. Atleast give it a shot okay." You sigh and give in. "Fine but not more than an hour." You friend squeels and you hang up the phone.

Okay, better get in the shower then.

After showering you put on the red dress your friend bought for your birthday and grab some matching heels. You apply only a little bit of make-up.

You drive towards the bar and wait outside for your friends to arrive. Next to you is a guy standing, seemingly waiting for someone to arrive as well. "It's cold isn't it?" The guy asks when both of you have been standing there awkwardly for over ten minutes. "Yeah. You're right. It really is very cold." "Are you waiting for someone?"

"Yup, my friends who dragged me out here." You reply. The guy chuckles. "I know what you're talking about. My best friend basically forced me to come here, only because he has a minor crush on a girl that works here."

You see your friends coming towards you and say goodbye to the mystery guy. "I see my friends coming this way. Got to go. I'll see you around yeah?" The guy smiles and waves as you walk away. Your best friend Joanne smirks and raises an eyebrow. "Flirting much huh? Who's that friend of yours?" You roll your eyes. "Never mind. Lets get in, since you dragged me out here anyways." Joanne takes your hand and pulls you towards the entrance.

You show your ID to the man behind the court and he lets you pass. "He was kind of hot right?" Your friend says while bumping against your shoulder. "Yeah right, if you're into old men."

After dancing for a while, you must admit that it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. You actually had a lot of fun, and the two of you were laughing about the most rididulous things. That's when you see the mystery guy from earlier. He's standing at the bar, talking to seemingly a few of his friends.

They seem to argue about something, before his friends walk away, leaving the guy completely by himself. "Come on. Don't just stay here! Talk to him!" "But what about you?" Your friend shrugs. "I'll go flirt with that man from behind the rope." She raises her shoulders and walks away. You smile and sit down next to the guy.

"Rough night huh?" He shrugs. "You could call it that way." He looks up an smiles. "What's your name actually? I never got to ask that." "I'm Y/N." The guy orders two more drinks and after they arrived he says: "Well, nice to meet you Y/N. My name is Jin." Jin. It fits his appearance well to be honest.

"So, Jin, want to talk about why you're sitting here so lonely?" He smiles softly. "Can I trust you?" You nod. "Fine. My friends, Suga and Rapmonster, said I was lame. See, I met a girl tonight and she's very pretty. I told them about it and they told me to go for it. But, I'm to shy to actually walk up to her. So they called me lame and said that they'd start talking to me after I talked to that particular girl."

You don't really know why, but all of a sudden, you feel very sad. It doesn't make sense because you barely know Jin and so you shouldn't be sad when he finds a girl that he likes.

"So, that girl, she must be very lucky." "Why don't you ask her yourself?" I frown. "How can I ask her when I don't even know who she is?" Jin smiles sadly. "But she's you." You look at him with wide eyes. "A-are you serious? Me?" He nods. "I thought you were really atractive when I saw you tonight." You blush. "I find you very handsome too."

"So, do you want to have a drink or something once?" "I'd love too."

After that Jin and you started dating pretty soon. He was the best thing that ever happened to you and you were the best thing that ever happened to you.

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